Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I thought I had better do an update before our "visitor" (more on that later) arrives tonight... Not heaps to say though as not a lot has been happening really. Work, work and more work and resting when I can.

Yesterday at work was a full on day but a great day as we had all the SITE Champions (IT guys and gals) from around NZ in the office today for their annual two day conference and the board room is right beside our office so we had people popping in all day introducing themselves as a lot of the SITE champions are also people that we deal with on a day to day basis. It was great putting faces to all the voices. We had also been invited out to the dinner with them all so both L and I went out to the dinner with them and had a ball of a time. We went to Mt Fuji Teypanki (excuse spelling) - a well known Japenese restaraunt in Wellington. For those that haven't been there or had a Japanese experience - it is lots of fun and lots of laughter as all the cooking is done on hot plates in front of you.... 12 people per table with two hot plates in the middle... then the real fun begins with raw eggs thrown at you with you trying to catch them in a bowl - bit of a bugger if you miss them (which a few people did) and then once the eggs are cooked in an omlete form they are chopped up and the chefs throw them at you and you have to catch them in your mouth! Then there is the fun of catching rice in a bowl being thrown at you... so as you can imagine there was lots of laughter and a few messy people by the end of the night. I am pleased to say that I caught the raw egg (well a little bit went up my arm), caught the cooked egg on the 2nd attempt and got the rice no problems at all. They do a set menu and everyone has a bit of everything - I did have one scrumptious well cooked prawn (gave the rest of them away) and then there was a mixture of fish, pork, chicken, rice and vegetables, and beef! By the end of eating all of that. L and I had a fantastic night but I was buggered by the time I crawled into bed about 10.45pm last night!

Was able to have a wee bit of a sleep in today though as I had a hospital appt at 9.30am so was able to stay in bed and dose off and on until about 7.30ish... The hospital appt went really well - BP is great - well so says the MW anyway - it was 110/60 which seems low to me but apparently it does drop during pregnancy and then goes up again??? The Dr I was meant to see was in theatre so there was a first year standing in for him. She was lovely and I have been advised to keep taking my folic acid right through the pregnancy due to my history. I also got another wee peak at bubs as she gave me a very brief scan... this time bubs was very active which was great to see but no peaks at the gender. I have one more appt at the hospital before they "discharge" me from their care so thats all great. I have also made my next appt for my 19 week scan and that is on the 17th June so am counting down to that now. I have realised that the time clashes with my hairdressers so will change the hairdressers to later on that day.

Anyway, enough rambling as the "visitor" is due shortly - oh him - we were dumb enough to sign up to some competition on Saturday at the Home Expo and we have some young twit coming around to try to sell us some fabulous cookware. We were given no contact details for him or the company so have been unable to ring them and cancel... the funny thing is that this twit is from out of town and has no idea where the suburb is that we live let alone trying to find our place which can be quite tricky at times... hehehe So will be interesting to see if he does get here on time and when he does arrive I am going to tell him I am not tired and not feeling to well so to keep it short and sweet and not to bother with the cooking demo!

Right - going now... catch ya all later


Anne said...

Thanks for your thoughts.

Have been to that restaurant - it's a lot of fun.

Kate said...

Oooh yes your BP is lovely!! Not low at all :-) Perfect!

Glad everything went well at your appointment - sounds great!

Hehe, the restaurant thing sounded like fun till you mentioned catching things in front of other people, I'm way too shy for stuff like that, I usually hate it!! But it does sound fun otherwise. Yum!

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

I'm sure I would have ended up with egg all over my face, lol.

Glad to hear all is well with your BP and quick scan.

I saw your comment on Carla's blog about a bump photo, and just wanted to say - yes please! We would love to see :-)

Chubbymum said...

I wanna go!!! When I come down we have to have dinner there that is for sure.

Woohooo for the BP hun!

Don't ya hate when they sell things like that. I hate it when Kirby people do that sort of things at a home show... I don't ever put my phone number or address on things like that he he



Lynda said...

Did you end up buying any pots... lol

Hey, you are 16 weeks pregnant..WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carla said...

go on... take a pic :) show us your puku!!!!! xxx

Rachel said...

Did you buy anything? I am such a sucker when people try and sell me things........just can't say no.
Great to hear everything went well at your hospital appt, roll on the 19 week scan.

Sue said...

Hope you got rid of the twit quickly. Great to hear your continuing good news.