Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hi all

Firstly a big thank you to you all for the advice and support after yesterday's post... still not feeling the best but I will get there.

I did go to work this morning but only lasted 40mins before heading home again on orders from one of the managers! Don't think my boss was too impressed but hey he will get over it. I had been awake off and on all night and then at 4am I was awake and the only way I can describe how I was feeling is that it felt like I was hyper-ventilating! Probably was no where near as drastic as that but thats what it felt like... I also felt very clostaphobic (excuse spelling) and just wanted to run outside and get fresh air! I didn't know if I was hot or cold, didn't know if I wanted to lay down or sit up.... so basically I felt like shit and apparently looked like it too when at work! So came home and slept for almost 3hrs before getting up and having some lunch and since then I have just been sitting in the lounge with my feet up surfing the net... I am still quite tired but I can ALMOST guarantee that if I sleep now that I won't sleep tonight so am trying to avoid going back to bed. I am just hoping that I won't be over-tired by the time I get to bed tonight (which WILL NOT be late) which I think has been a problem for me lately.

We do have the MW coming around this evening (about 7.30ish) so will have a good chat to her then and see what suggestions she can come up with. My back is still sore but will try the suggestion Margaret made last night and see if that helps. Stephan is staying home from shooting this evening so he can hear the heartbeat etc... so that will be great. We have also decided who we want as our support team during the birth etc - I have asked one of them already and she is over the moon to be asked. Just got the other one to ask and I want to do it in person rather than through email, txt or phone. Both of these ladies are two very good friends of mine as I have decided that as much as I would love my mum or sister there I just don't think I could manage their advice giving etc during that time as my sister can be quite opinionated at times and she doesn't like it when I tell her things have changed since she last gave birth (almost 21 years ago)!!! And mum - well I don't think she would be able to cope with my language that I will no doubt be using HOWEVER on saying that I am starting to learn to think postively about the whole birth procedure and after reading Kate's journal over the last few months I have accepted it pays to be as calm as possible etc during the whole process as that helps everything progress more smoothly (most of the time).

Anyway speaking of births - Kate has posted her birth story today. Thank you so so so much for sharing that with us! I was bawling whilst reading it and it has made me open my eyes even more about what I am to go through in approx 2o weeks.

Oooooooops one more thing - how can I forget... I am offically 1/2 way today!!! Yeap am 20 weeks today!!! Wooohooo!!! Roll on the next 20 though on saying that we still have heaps to do before November but am sure we will get there. Congrats to Carla on being 20 weeks today as well!!!

Right enough rambling for today - I am so excited with the number of pregnant bloggers out there at the moment. It is so cool to be able to read about everyones progress - those ahead of you - you can get tips... and those behind you - you can pass on anything you may have learnt!

Catch ya all later


Rachel said...

Home is the best place for you if you aren't well - bugger the boss!
Can't wait to hear what the MW has to say.
Congrats on being half way.

Carla said...

lol @ Bad language, i was SO bad when i was in labour, and i DIDNT hold back, i had Darryls mother and my mother and the midwife and nurses and doctors in the room and im screaming "im pushing a f**kin football out my arse!" and other forms of language too, i kept apologising for swearing and they just laughed (the medical team) and said, "oh its ok, we have heard it allll before!' lol but apparently i wasnt quite as tame as some!!!!!

hope your feeling better hun :)

Kate said...

Yay for being half way!!

I really wanted to swear when I was in labour but there aren't bad enough words, lol. Nah, I really don't think it would have helped me, probably would have made me feel out of control. I really needed to feel in control to feel safe.

Thanks for your comments re Natalia's birth story - it's really helped me process it all. I'll send the placenta pics soon. Do ask me anything you want, that you are worried about - I might not have all the answers but info is power!

It is scary, facing all this stuff but there were lots of things that helped me keep it in perspective - like when I was out I'd look at all the people around me and think about how ALL of them had to have been born at some stage, hehe.

Hope you are feeling better v soon, and enjoy the midwife visit!!

Anonymous said...

*huggies* just listen to all them mum's out there mate! You'll never get the same story twice, but thats what will make you and your baby special this time round! You'll have your own unique experience which will be yours to cherish forever! I liked Kates perspective that ... everyone has to be born somehow ... pretty logical but not something we think about! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling a bit better, just think, half way there.... and what a bonus having so many blog friends with you all the way.

Sincere wishes


Jaxx said...

Whoohoo 20 weeks and 1 day over half way if she decides to come on time :):)

Cheers Jaxx

Anne said...

Your fears are just so natural. Just try and think ahead to the day you'll have the little one in your arms! It makes it all worth it. Take care and fantastic one the half way mark!

Hi said...

Hi Karen
I'm a regular reader of your fab journal and thought I would finally post a comment! Congrats on being 20 weeks! That is fantastic! I am definately looking foward to reading more as your bubs grows. I have added you to my 'blogs i read' list on my newly created blog, please let me know if this is not ok. I hope that you come check out my blog at some stage :) Cheers Lou

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen

Sorry to read that you haven't been feeling so great - I hope things are much brighter soon for you.

It sounds like your experience during the night was an anxiety attack (panic attack) - I can certainly relate to those nocturnal ones. They really can feel quite unnerving - and so frustrating afterwards cos you feel so drained and tired the next day. I hope that it was a one-off and that you get lots of quality sleep over the next few months (and beyond!!).

Take care.

From the freezing one in Christchurch!!