Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Well not too much to chat about tonight... am still on a high after Kate's beautiful daughter Natalia was born yesterday afternoon. She is so adorable and so, so cute! The link to Kate's site is to the left of my site so feel free to check it out and see how gorgeous Natalia is.

I had a bummer of a headache earlier on today and this evening but after a panadol and a nice meal of homecooked butter chicken I feel better. I do think my headaches are related to when I don't eat for a while so despite not being hungry etc I do need to keep up my food intake (and as healthy as I can too) and will should be ok.

But speaking of healthy food - I am struggling with my fruit etc now - am prefering savoury, salty foods at the moment but don't mind maderins too much but thats about as far as my fruit intake goes at the moment. But am trying to keep up my water intake but sometimes I struggle with that too but the weight doesn't seem to bad - will TRY to get to weigh in this Saturday as it will be 4 weeks since my last weigh in but with the scan etc I amnot sure if I will get there but I will TRY and will be estimating a gain of approx a kilo which over 4 weeks is not too bad....

Anyway, off to make my sandwiches (egg ones today) and do the dishes - catch ya all later.

PS I am 19 weeks today so next Wednesday I will be 1/2 way!!! How scary yet how exciting!!! Oh and only 3 more sleeps till my scan......


Carla said...

19 weeks! 19 weeks! *shakey bum dance* isnt it just SOOOO cool!!! scans coming up! i hope bub behaves for you hun! spread those legs kid, let your mama see what you are!!!!!!! xxx

Tania said...

Congrats on reaching the 19 week mark Karen! I too craved savoury food throughout my pregnancy and was told by heaps of people that it meant I was having a boy - I tended not to listen to anyone's thoughts on that but I did end up having a boy! Looking forward to hearing about your scan.

Anne said...

How exciting having the scan - hope bubs obliges and shows you what he/she is!

Half way - seems to be going quickly although probably not for you!!