Friday, July 28, 2006

Yay its Friday night and that means two days off work and two days of sleep-ins and doing things around home... perhaps not necessarily relaxing but its better than working! :)

I think I will change the topic of my last few posts about money as there are obviously some very strong opinions out there which are great to hear but I know that Stephan and I will make the decision that is best for us at the time. We have done lots of talking tonight and have decided on what our first inital step is for the next 12 weeks whilst I am still working... and we have a couple of plans that we are looking into for after the paid parental leave is up. And even making that first decision has made me feel a bit better and a bit less stressed out. And like I say Steph and I will come to the decision that suits us the best :) But thanks for all your support and advice - its all been taken on board :)

Work today was quite good but as the boss is currently giving up smoking he is being quite grumpy and moody at the moment (he has currently been 7 days without a smoke) so am not looking forward to Monday and Tuesday when L is out of the office on a site visit cause that will mean its just the boss and I! For his sake he better not get grumpy with me as I can give as good as I get especially when tired and pregnant! LOL He already knows that as we had a brief run in this afternoon - nothing major but he got the message that I was not happy with the way he spoke to me at the time!

Still not too much planned for the weekend, currently sitting here watching "24" with Steph before heading to bed once this is finished. Have already done the washing so its all ready to be hung out first thing in the morning. Got the hairdressers appt and this could be one of my last appts at my current hairdressers as they are one of the dearer ones in Upper Hutt and as there is a hairdresser approx 100 metres away from our house which is cheaper (I know the lady who manages it from when I was going to the gym) so I think I will be swapping to her very shortly. But apart from that, not much more planned really apart from housework and groceries. So perhaps we will get some time to work on the spare bedroom and the nursery which will be great.

Anyway, enough rambling from me for a Friday night... Hope you all have a great weekend and I will catch ya all later :)


Kate said...

When I comment on your blog, or anyones.. I don't expect that they will take my 'advice' or whatever, but just that they know from me sharing my experiences, that I'm saying.. hey, I understand, and I care. I know you know that, I would just hate you to feel pressure from people to do it their way, not yours.

Hope you guys have a great weekend :-)

Sue said...

Glad to hear you're feeling a bit more relaxed about the money stuff. Hope you have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Just checked your comments from Thursday and see you got another "mean girl drive-by" comment. Anonymous. Pfffft.....not worth even engaging your braincells over Karen.
Obviously not a regular reader of your blog. Let me take a guess....some 15 year old girl with an ugly case of pimples right now, who just HAD to take her anger out on someone??

Back to the topic...the one you're changing (sorry LOL!) I'm one of those Mums who stayed home (we could JUST manage it at the time) and cut corners where I could. I'm kinda frugal by nature, and resourceful so I enjoyed the challenge heaps. Still do!
There's absolutely no one *right* way, and I think it's great when people can share their own experiences without getting preachy.
Parenting is alllllll about problem solving, and it just makes you stronger. A better parent and a better person :o)

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!!!

PS Karen, anymore anon comments by bitter morons and just skip them like they're written in invisible ink ok!

Anonymous said...

babes, take anonymous comments off your blog :D

Tarns said...

Hey Karen

Dont worry about anonymous, tehy obviously have no idea what they are talking about nor have they been in the situation.

Money too is something we have been talking about, what we have started doing whilst on both incomes is buying everything we can think of - prams, highchairs, capsules, strollers, infant carseats, nappies, nappies and more nappies.

Then when we go to down to 1.5 incomes (i will get half my salary whilst im on leave) we will not struggle as much with having to pay for everything, I have also started paying an extra 30-40 dollars per month on each bill to try and get some sort of prepayment happening. Other than that I have tried to become a bit more frugal with everything. I have also done some real indepth investigation re childcare and will take everything into account before making a decision ie have found one that is about 10minutes further away, same sort of setup as the others I have looked at but 35 a week cheaper...Not huge but surely will make a differnce.....

Good luck with all the decision making

Tarns :)