Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hi all

Still here and plodding on day by day. MW came today and unfortunately Rachel has lost weight in the last 4 days rather than gain it... so am now increasing the amount of formula we are offering her to see if that helps. If she is not up to her birth weight by next Thursday (3 weeks old), the MW will refer us to the hospital and get some checks done on her to see if it is anything else. Rachel is now basically using my breasts as a comfort and is getting sweet bugger all from them as she is very rarely satisfed when she comes off them.

I know some of you who read my blog don't agree with the fact that I am using formula so freely but considering the fact that I am going to be heading back to work mid Feb, I can't see the point in getting Rachel back to exclusively breastfed and then having to wean her back to a bottle in a couple of mths time. We are happy to give her formula as it means Rachel is happy and content which in turn means we are happy and content as well... I know I have tried the best I can when it comes to breastfeeding and to me that is the main thing. I will still offer her the breast each feed but have to limit the time she is on each side so she is not using them just as something to suck on and tiring herself out.

Rachel is one very content girl (as long as she is fed) and we couldn't be luckier parents :) Last night she slept for almost 7hrs and the night before it was 6hrs so I do know we are awfully lucky in that aspect :)

Lynda - I will try to remember to take a photo of the safe, secure sleeper that we got for Rachel as it is not one that attaches to the bed but lays in the middle between Steph and I. I know the ones you were talking about though... And for those that asked, a Cranial Osteopath is very similar to an Osteopath - they are trained to feel a very subtle, rhythmical shape change that is present in all body tissue, This is called involuntary motion.

Anyway, best I get moving as Rachel is due for another feed - will catch ya all later.


Anonymous said...


I think you are giving it your all, its not your fault that things arent going necessarily according to plan with your breastfeeding, my sisters milk just dried up on its own accord with both her boys and they had to have formula to suppliment it as well, you are doing a great job and like you say, her health and well being as well as yours and Steph's is far more important than the opinion of some narrow minded person who shouldnt pass judgement. Keep up the good Work.


Kate said...

I think it's fantastic that you have tried your best with breast feeding - not all babies get a Mummy like that!

Well done :-) I think you are doing a great job!

Rachel said...

Hi chick,

Just thought I would drop you a line to say hi (as its been a whole 2 days since I seen you....haha).

Bugger about the weight loss for Rachel but increasing the amount he drinks each feed sounds like a good idea.

She is always so content (and sleepy) when I see her so she is a happy little girl. Her sleeping is sounding better and better, roll on a full 8 hours!!!

Anonymous said...


Do what is right for you and Rachel and bugger everyone else. You know what is best and if she is not getting enough from breast milk then so be it.

Girl you know what is right!!

I went through a lot of negative people when I didn't breastfeed because my milk had dried up and with Corbin I got mastitis because I perserved because of what everyone else thought and I felt guilty but hun!!! I should have listened to my intuition and did what I knew was right for my boys...

I think you are a wonderful caring mum and what you think is best WILL BE FOR THE BEST.

Love ya

Anne said...

It sounds as if you have one very content little girl:)

You really have to go with your gut feeling - which is what you are doing. Too bad what others think.

Hi said...

Karen, do not worry for one second about what anyone else thinks! She is your precious wee girl not theirs. You do not need to explain your decision to anyone! What works for you is best! I think you are a great mum to Rachel. *HUGS*

Lynda said...

Hey Karen - you do what is right for you. I could not feed my first baby and felt terribly guilty. I could feed my second. Joanna tried so hard but couldn't due to medical reasons and felt terribly guilty which took away from the joy of having a newborn. Do what is right for you - the main thing is that you are happy and Rachel is happy.

Jules said...

You don't have to justify your decision for YOUR daughter to anyone Karen. Way better to formula feed than to leave her to starve. Phoebe was only 6pd 4oz when she was born and was only just reaching that at 2 weeks old. I had heaps of breast milk but she was a spewy kid and it just took a bit for her to kickstart it.

Carla said...

hi lovely!!

you know reading your blog is bringing me back SO many memories, Rachel sounds so much like what Kaylee was like and i had the exact problems with feeding and weightloss that you are having now, formula was for me a damn godsend, because i know how hard it is seeing those scales go down instead of up, please know that it isnt ANYTHING that you are doing, its just life sometimes, and we are so lucky that we have formula (and good formula at that!) available to us, a happy contented baby = a happy contented mama, and vice versa there too, just something i have always believed and gone by

your doing an amazing job and Rachel will be up to birth weight before you know it!

Anonymous said...

I too think you are doing a fantastic job with Rachel. As long as she's content and happy that's the main thing.
You do what's right for you and Rachel and nothing else matters. You sound like you are a very relaxed and caring mum and that is going to keep Rachel being that happy and contented baby she already is. Enjoy the cuddles!

Kate @ Loving Life said...

Hi again, it looks like you know exactly what's best for Rachel and I'm sure her weight will be up before you know it :)

I hope you didn't think I was trying to push BF in my comments. I just think that it good to be fully informed, which you seem to be. I didn't really know what to expect when I started bf and by reading about it, I have personally learnt a lot since I had my bub and just like to try and share that info - hopefully without giving the impression that it's the *only* way, as that was certainly not my intention :(

She sounds like a content, well rested, little angel! :) Keep up the good work!

Sandra said...

Good on you, Karen. I'm sorry you feel that some have been critical of your situation. Obviously breast is ideal but the formulas are pretty good these days too - and long as your wee darling is fit and healthy - that's all that matters.

I had forgotten that you were going back to work so soon. It really makes sense to use formula in the lead up to February when you take that into account. That time will fly by.

I think that has made my mind up - I won't be moving back to NZ until I had the babies I want. I get 6 months paid leave from my UK university job plus another 6 unpaid if I want it. Full pay for 18 weeks. It's such a luxury - if only I could use it.

Take care!

Crafty Japan said...

Hi Karen,

Well, if you've been reading our blog you'll know that Ryder is also getting formula supplements. Although it really isn't anyone else's business, I constantly find myself explaining why we are doing this... :(

It's not as if this is the way you or I would have chosen for things to work out - I feel bad about it as I know that breastmilk is superior to formula...but if he isn't getting enough nutrition from me then I feel I have no choice :(

I'd be interested to know what quantities Rachel is drinking...

Ryder drinks for about 40 mins (20 each side) at the moment, plus has 80mls formula. He NEVER leaves any behind...the little greedy guts!!

I'm hoping to keep on breastfeeding him for as long as I have milk and then it will be all formula. Is this your plan or are you trying something different?

Hope to hear from you soon,
