Friday, November 10, 2006

Hi ya

Just thought I would do a quick post before young Rachel wakes up :) Things have been better over the last 48hrs or so and we have all been getting reasonable amounts of sleep too which certainly does help matters :)

Thank you all for the advice and comments re the breastfeeding situation. The three of us have been to see the lactation consultant at the hospital this morning and have been given some advice and tips from Mandy. She was one awesome lady and so nice :) Bascially as Rachel is still a way below her birth weight, we are to now top up each feed with the formula but instead of using a bottle, we will be using a plastic syringe and tube that will be attached to my nipple therefore Rachel will be drinking both breast and formula at the same time so getting the nourishment without using a bottle/teat. We have to review the situation when she is 1 mth old so we have 3 weeks to get things going :) Mandy will get my MW to give me a script for "something" (can't recall the name) to help my milk supply. So left there feeling rather positive and not like I am failing at being the best Mummy I can be (like I had been at times).

We then did a quick trip to Porirua to pick up a sleeping attachment from the Baby Factory as it was the last one left in the Wgtn region! As the only way Rach will settle at night time is when she is with us (either on our chests or between us) so to make us feel a bit easier we thought we would get this attachement for Rach to sleep in and making it safer for her and us as well. I never thought I would be a co-sleeper with my baby/s (as I am such a light sleeper) but hey if it means sleep and happiness for everyone in the house then so be it :) I have also read a study that children that have been co-slept with their parents generally end up being a lot more independent etc when they are older so I guess we will wait and see if that is true for us.

Home, lunch, did some washing and now just waiting for Rachel to wake up but might slowly wake her up as Mandy did say we are not giving her enough feeds in a 24hr period (in other words we let her sleep for too long) so have to make a real effort to give her 8 feeds each 24hr period.

I was going to download some photos too but the camera has gone flat so need to recharge the battery so will try to post some pics either tonight or over the weekend.

Catch ya all later


Anonymous said...

Yay! I think it's fantastic if breast feeding is something you really want to do, and you give it your best shot. I wonder if it's 'domperidone' - the prescription they are giving you? I think waking bubs and feeding her more often will definitely help with your milk supply too.

I swear by co-sleeping! There is nothing nicer than waking and seeing your baby's smiling face looking up at you, and snuggling up for a cuddle. You eventually get really good at feeding lying down on your side too. Sometimes in the evenings when Natalia is really unsettled and screaming for hours on end, i take her into my bedroom and lay down to feed her, it seems to relax her.

Can't wait to see more pictures!

Anonymous said...

Good to try anything if it helps with the feeding/sleeping problems. There is nothing worse than sleep deprivation! Good on you for giving it a go. Can't wait to see more pictres too.

Rachel said...

Glad to hear the feeding situation is going well and hope all goes will with recommendation from the lactation specialist, I must admit I have never heard of the tube thing with the breast milk as well????

If you feel like getting out of the house for a walk, I am only just down the road ;)

Have a good weekend mate.

Anne said...

It's good that you are gettting the support you need to be able to keep feeding. Looking forward to seeing some more photos.

Hope your weekend goes well:)

Anonymous said...

It's a lactaid and its a device designed by La Leche League. rock!
A low initial supply doesn't have to mean the end of breastfeeding, and your dedication will have pay offs in ways you can't even imagine. (Whether yo feed until 4 weeks....4 months, whatever.)

I'm SO glad you're seeing Mandy. She helped me with supply when feeding didn't go well with my second son. He ended up being exclusively breastfed (or bottle fed expressed milk) for 13 months.
To echo a previous poster, Fenugreek worked wonders for me. (Domperidone didn't, but for many people it works really well - I had a complex endocrinological problem.)

Karen.....if Rachel is latching well and a reasonably enthusiastic feeder then you have EVERY chance of making this work! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleased for you that you've got great help. Breastfeeding can be enormously rewarding and you will never regret truely giving it your best shot.

I will finally get around to sending you that email as soon as my little people are in bed.

PS I'll say it rock for giving breastfeeding every chance of working. It's so easy to just give up. Good on you Karen!

Kate @ Loving Life said...

Wow, how far you have come in a few days! You go girl! The tube feeder should help stimulate further milk production too. Keep up the great work! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow it's amazing what they can do to help these days.
I hope it's working out for you. are doing the very best you can do so never ever feel that you are "failing" as a mum!!
Not sure if this applies to you but when I read you post I remember something the lactation consultant told me about b/f. You are no doubt aware of the hind milk/fore milk business?? They say that mom's who swap breasts during feed may not give baby long enough sucking on one breast to get through the foremilk to the good, nutritious hind milk that lets down later. Bub then doesn't gain as much weight and people are quick to say mum doesn't make enough milk (a guilt trip any new mum can do without).
I'm sure you guys have eliminated this anyway but just wanted to mention it in case it could help in any way.
Keep up the great work and will all get easier as the weeks go by :)
*big hugs*
Cheers P

Anonymous said...

aw mate your doing so well!!!!

Im co-sleeping too, miss Olivia has decided that her bassinette is not where she wants to sleep at night! i love sleeping with her though, its just so special, and they wont be this little forever *sobs*!!

ive never heard of the breast tube feeding thing your using, but it sounds really cool!

my MW taught me how to liedown to feed the other day, im still getting used to it, but its sooo comfy when your still so tired!

talk soon :)