Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hi ya

Right while I have a few mins peace and quiet I thought I would do an update :) I do have some photos which I must download later on and share with you at some stage soon.

I am feeling rather good today as Rachel slept for 6.5hrs last night! I couldn't believe it when the clock read 4.15am! Though I had woken about 2.30am and thought "ahhhh she will be awake soon no point in going back to sleep" so I was laying there awake for about an hour before I finally must have fallen back to sleep! And then she was back down in bed and fast asleep by 5am which is great as well as she can often take a good hr before she is back in bed asleep. And then she slept through till just after 8am so I had enough time to shower, dress and have some breakfast before she woke up. Admittingly she had wet through her clothes and bedding when I got her up at 8am so she is now asleep in her bouncer while her basinett is aired :)

Yesterday, we had our "Baby and You" class and the venue was changed due to a funeral (usually held in a church lounge) and as it was now in Upper Hutt rather than Silverstream I decided that Rachel and I would walk there as she was being unsettled. Oooops the hall was further away than I had remembered... so had to walk rather briskly to get there on time but hey thats all good for me... the only thing is that I had to walk home again so was shattered when we got home! But at the class, we covered infant CPR and infant massage - we only covered leg massage in the class but the lady showed me how to do stomach massage to ease constipation and gas problems which was lovely of her and she has even said I can call her and she will visit me at home if I need help! So did some stomach massage on Rachel yesterday afternoon and things seemed ok last night.

Today, I have a friend Paula and her daughter visiting this afternoon so am really looking forward to that :) Tomorrow, I have my hospital appt with the dietician - still trying to decide if I will cancel that or not - better make up my mind pretty quickly I guess! Thursday is coffee group with the antenatal ladies - 4 of us have had our babes and there are 4 left to come... Friday I am meeting my friends Jo and Steff and their babes to get their photos taken with Santa so that will be a great outing and good chance to catch up! :) Then hopefully at the weekend we will put up the Christmas tree and decorations...

Not a lot more to report really.... so best I get moving and get some things done before Paula arrives :)

Ciao for now :)


Anonymous said...

We haven't had time to put up our Christmas decorations yet either OUCH

Love CM

Kate said...

Glad things are going well :-) The baby and you classes sound great!

Anonymous said...

Thought this was supposed to be a weight loss site. You seem to have lost the plot not weight, all we hear about is Rachel this and Rachel that.
I won't be back.

Anonymous said...

anonymous won't be back?

...Karen will be desperately unhappy about that I'm sure.

anonymous you're a waste of comment space.
Obviously there are things not quite right in your life or you wouldn't feel the need to post nasty comments on peoples blogs. Sympathy to you sweetheart :o)
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

You go Jen... anonymous is not worth all the trouble.

Get a life anonymous.
