Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well I think my title today sums up exactly how things are going right now! Rachel is still sick and off day care which in turn has meant either myself or Steph having time off work although today both of us are off as my darling beautiful kind generous daughter has shared her bug with me so Steph is in charge of looking after both of us since it can be quite difficult when in the middle of a nappy change or feed to run to the toilet for my own "needs"! And oh to top things off I also have TOM so with those two combined I really am BLAH!

Steph is currently at the Dr's with Rachel - 3rd visit in 3 days!!! Tuesdays visit was due to my concern about lack of wet naps - result - all ok but had a different Dr who I didn't like at all. Yesterdays visit was due to Rachel having gone almost all day with bugger all fluid intake and just sleeping - result - thorough examination, weighed and advised to go back today for another check (this by our regular Dr). And as I have the bug I didn't trust myself to go in the car in case I needed to go while on the way there or home again! LOL So am now being the anxious mum awaiting for them to get home to see what the Dr has said today. Unfortunately Rachel is still not taking much fluid and her naps today have been progressing back to runny again :( It feels real weird being at home without her around - this is the first time I have been at home without her! I often go out at the weekend for various things and leave her at home with Daddy but Steph has never taken her out and left me behind! LOL

Anyway, at the moment I am feeling like the worlds worst mummy as it is all my fault that Rachel is sick! I am a short, overweight, ugly, useless mummy right now! If Rachel didn't have to go to Day care then I am sure she wouldn't be this sick right now :( Yes she would get sick eventually but not while she is so young and vulnerable! So yeap it is all my fault and I feel so bad for exposing her to all of this! Oh I am not looking for sympathy or anything here - this is just me expressing how I am feeling right now. I am sure once I am feeling better and that Rachel can go more than a week at Day care without catching something then I will be feeling better about everything.

I am doing a lot of comfort eating lately which isn't good for the weight :( And a couple of my denim skirts are now on the verge of not fitting me around the tum :( No one to blame but myself... but am not in the right frame of mind either to think healthy and nutritious thoughts! And as for exercise - whats that? I have even become lazy and started catching the bus from the Railway Station to our new premises in Manners St! So easy to do when the bus stop is literally right outside our doors!

Not a lot planned for this weekend thank goodness - just a trip to Mums for lunch on Sunday so Steph can hopefully fix her computer.

Anyway, best I get moving and hopefully Steph and Rachel will be home soon providing the Dr isn't running to late. Catch ya all later


Kate said...

Awww no, sorry to hear you are sick too now. Poor you, poor Rachel. It's so tough when they are sick isn't it, but when you don't feel great too it's even worse. I know you said you aren't after sympathy but it sounds like you could do with a big hug and lots of looking after!
I truly hope you are feeling better soon.

Lynda said...

Hugs to you Karen. Don't let it all get on top of you. You can't be supermum. I really feel for you right now and how hard it must be to juggle work, home, a husband, your weight, your health and Rachel.

Chris H said...

I am so sorry you and Rachel are not well.... I hope you are feeling better soon. *big HUGS*

lisa m said...

Oh gosh. I really feel for you. It's so hard when they're sick like that isn't it :-(

I took my son out of daycare because with all the bugs the whole family was getting sick and I was sick anyway myself with morning sickness. My son was 8 months at the time, still breastfed (I sent him with bottles of expressed milk which was hard work in itself) so he didn't seem to get things really badly - no trips to doctors or anything. But still it was bad enough he came home with 3 colds in 3 was me who got the worst of it by far. I put him into daycare so I could get more rest and it backfired on me!! In our case it just didn't add up, or maybe I just didn't have what it took to ride out the storm! We started him in the winter though, and I thought that was partly the reason, but maybe the season doesn't matter?

BUT I have heard their immunity grows the longer they go to daycare and it just means they're not as sick later on.
So there may be a silver lining.

I hope this bad patch passes quickly for you and most importantly that Rachel gets well soon!

Tarns said...

oh honey big hugs to you and rach. hope you both feel better soon! And dont blame you, its not your fault! Your a fantastic mummy, rachels a very lucky little girl xxx

Anne said...

These things happen and I know it's easy to say it's not your fault when you are feeling like you are. I remember having the horrific experience of our 17month old daughter in the infectious ward with a bug (not from day care either by the way) and two babies in the neo-natal unit and I felt so guilty and torn. But you do get through and you will.

Don't be so hard on yourself - Rachel has two parents that love and cherish her. Hope you are all soon better!

Kim said...

Hey you, don't be that way. Caitlyn has been like that since last Saturday and she doesn't go to daycare at all!

Her first day with it was much the same as yours, horrifying, as she wouldn't stay awake at all and I was quite scared.

Anyhoo, I took her to the docs on Tuesday. As she is 4 months the Dr suggested adding some rice cereal to her bottle as it is high in iron and can help make things solid again, so give it a shot. I worked with Caitlyn. I went from 8 pooey nappies in 9 hours to 1 pooey nappy in 12 hours.

Trust me, none of this is your fault at all. In fact, Bethany, Caitlyn, my mum and my sister have all had the bug and I haven't so it is definately something going around our counties at the moment. That time of the year and all.

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Hugs, hugs and more HUGS, hope you're both feeling heaps better soon!

Hope some of the other ladies comments have made you feel better about the daycare situation too, it really isn't your fault!

Tania said...

Sorry to hear that you are both sick! I hope that you are both better really soon.

As for the daycare thing, i've often felt the same way about the bugs and things they catch, I used to blame myself but I do believe there's some truth in it building their immunity. I had tonsilitis 2 weeks ago and i'm still amazed that Lachlan didn't catch it.

I know at times like this it's hard to see the positives but the day will come when you will be so glad you put Rachel in daycare.

Hope the weekend is better for you.

Paula said...

Hi Karen

I agree with others above - please don't go blaming yourself for Rachel getting sick because she's in daycare - it's just as easy for children to pick up the bugs etc from family members, friends, neighbours etc - it's not isolated to just children in daycare. I've also heard that children in daycare build up better immunities - so hang in there, and do what's best for you guys as a family - and for now, that might be you being a working Mum.

Re the comfort eating - I think many of us are guilty of that, and when things settle down you will no doubt feel you have more energy and focus for monitoring food intake - but for now - you need to focus on getting yourselves over the current bout of illness.

I hope you have a lovely time at your Mum's on Sunday.

*Hugs* to you all.

- Paula (Christchurch)

Chubbymum said...

Hun.. it is better that they get it now and then their immune system can handle everything. My oldest was always catching colds and bugs etc from Creche but now he never gets sick as he has had it all.. and so in the 3 years he has been at school he hasn't had one day off at all and that is fantastic because then he isn't missing any of his learning or the fun things they do.

I was in with the A&E with both my boys so much when they were little that as soon as we went through the doors they would say hello Mrs ** and how are you guys doing this week.. he he he

Don't feel like you are a bad mum because you aren't and hun you are so caring and loving and that little girl of yours is sooooo loved that that is the main thing hun. LOVE is the main thing...

Love ya

Unknown said...

You sound as if you are the only working mother in the world - grow up and get over it there are thousands of mothers out there who HAVE to put there children into childcare it is a sign of the times.