Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hi ya

All going well in our place at the moment (touch wood) - Rachel seems to be going regularly (yay) and nice soft movements too! Still gotta keep up the lactulose syrup and the drops for another few days and then go down to once a day for another few days before being able to stop them... but once she misses a day of going we give her a dose of the lactulose to keep things moving. She is loving her pureed prunes though (as am I)! She is having them twice a week before her veggies - I just have to remember to do them the night before so they are ready for her to have when I get home.

Her cough seems to be more or less gone... just the occasional cough now which is great. She has been going down for the night about 6.45pm as she has been so tired and I was hoping that she would still sleep through till her "normal" time of between 6 and 6.30am but no such luck as yet. We have had 4.30am and 5.0am wake up calls so far! So I have had a couple of long days lately - I am not getting her up then but I don't go back to sleep as I lay there listening to her chatting away!

Ohhhhhhhhhh I must share our latest news! Over Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, Rachel achieved two milestones. The first one was on Tuesday evening when she rolled over by herself for the first time! Yay! But the sad thing is that both mummy and daddy missed it! As I was dicing the chicken for dinner and Steph was busy running a bath for her. I walked into the lounge to turn the TV on for the news and walked past her and then stopped, looked at her and was trying to work out what was different! Took me a couple of moments to work out what it was! LOL And there she was looking up at me with the biggest smile on her face! Then on Wednesday morning, when I was dropping her at Daycare, I had a couple of mins to spare before leaving her and I had been holding her and sat her down on the floor with Carson (one of the boys there) and she sat there by herself unaided for approx 30-40 secs!!! Woohoo!!! She had the biggest smile on her face when she was sitting there... well that was until she face planted it into the toy that her and Carson had been playing with and Carson just gave her this look as if to say "What the ...." so I sat her up again and she fell back down again and then all she wanted was a cuddle with Tish who is one of the most lovely carers I know! :)

Then tonight while she was laying on the floor she rolled multiple times over and over... so cute to watch!

Last night I was at the Drs for my smear and to get a new script and had an awesome chat with her about things that have been happening and how I am feeling and how things have been going for me! She has given me some brochures about Post Natal Depression which is what I had started to wonder myself. So am gonna do some reading and then probably contact one of the support groups and perhaps go to a meeting if there is a local one at a suitable time. I have been treated for depression a few years back so I know the signs etc.... Last time I was put on Prozac and then slowly weaned myself off it after a couple of months.

Anyway, that's whats been happening for me lately along with a few other bits and pieces... am plodding on day by day - some times its easy and other days its real tough! Right time to get moving - washing to hang out and bottles to prepare for tomorrow.

Oh have taken some great photos of Rachel so will try to find time over the weekend to download them and once I do that I will share them with you all.


Tania said...

Oh I love those first milestones, aren't they just so proud of themselves when they're achieving these things but I don't think they could be anywhere near as proud of themselves as we are of them.

Glad to hear things have settled down a bit for Rachel! I think you're doing great, having a baby is a huge adjustment in itself but raising one while working brings on a whole set of new challenges.

Anne said...

Those first milestones are great to experience and see. Pleased Rachel is well - also good you spoke to your doctor about you!

Crafty Japan said...

Yay for Rachel - poos, rolls and sits :) Talk about moving along at a fast pace!! :)

Lyn said...

It's very exciting when they start doing things and they look so proud of their actions.

Can't wait to see the pics!

Chris H said...

Just got home from holidays, poor Rachel!!! My daughter Lacy has constipation something chronic as a baby, ended up with an anal fissure which took months to heal... due to obstinant constipation .... caused by her holding on too long.... and Brylee had the same problem too ! I put brown sugar in their milk and coloxyl drops too. That worked! I hope Rachel is ok now. There is nothing worse for a baby I reckon.