Thursday, June 28, 2007

I've been tagged!

Thanks Lyn for the tag...

But before I play the game.... a quick update from me. Well not a lot happening really - work hasn't been as bad as expected - no Over time required! YAY! Busy which of course makes the day go fast but thats cool. Got new headsets to go with our flash phones at work and they are cordless so we can go up to 100 meters away from the desk and keep talking to people! And yes that would include the toilet but we won't be going there!!! LOL

Rachel is back at the Drs tomorrow for her nasty cough... I rung to get a repeat script for her cough medicine and as she is under 1 year old, they need to see her before giving the script out. So Steph is taking her tomorrow afternoon after he picks her up from Daycare. I really do think it is in the chest as you can often hear it rattle but everytime a Dr has checked her chest they say its fine!

Am looking forward to the Bloggers Brunch in Te Horo on Saturday - gonna be so cool catching up with everyone. And fingers crossed Rachel behaves! LOL Though sounds like a few of us have some nasty germs so hopefully everyone is ok by then. Am happy to postpone for a couple of weeks if needs be...

Anyway, its cold and I am tired and oh shit I haven't turned my blankie on yet... time to get going - but here is my info from being tagged (typed up earlier):

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1. Chicken Girl
2. Half Man
3. Celtic Girl
4. Lyn
5. Karen

Next select five people to tag: (if you haven’t done it already)

I think most of the blogs I read have already been tagged so if you read this and you haven't been tagged - feel free to join in!

And now for the questions:

What were you doing ten years ago?

Had been married for about 6mths to my ex and we were house hunting.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

I was almost 5mths pregnant so was preparing for what lay ahead for us.

Five Snacks You Enjoy

1. microwave popcorn
2. Chippies(of course not too often)
3. Corn (on the cob)
4. S & V rice crackers
5. Butter Chicken dishes (not often)

Five Songs to Which You Know all the Lyrics

1. The Wheels on the Bus
2. Thank you for being a friend
3. Twinkle Twinkle little star
4. Slyvia's Mother
5. Man I feel like a woman

Five Things You Would Do If You Were a Millionaire

1. Pay off debts and give up working (current job)
2. Be a full time mummy to Rachel (and then we could afford another child)
3. Buy investment properties
4. Help family members with their debts
5. Travel

Five Bad Habits

1. Putting myself down
2. Feeling I'm not worthy around others
3. Laziness
4. Eating out of boredom
5. Sarcasim

Five things you like doing

1. Blogging
2. Spending time with Rachel
3. Relaxing watching tv in front of the fire
4. Bush/river walks
5. Spending time with friends

Five things you’ll never wear again

1. Wedding dress
2. Mini skirts
3. Stilettos
4. Coulottes
5. Leg Warmers

Five favorite “toys”

1. PC
2. TV
3. BOB *nudge nudge wink wink*
4. Cellphone (new one)
5. New phone at work


Tania said...

Hope Rachel's cough clears up soon - i've developed a newfound hatred for winter since having a child ... lol

Jaxx said...

Have a great weekend and glad you are keeping your blog going :)


Lyn said...

Wow learnt something new about you today ... got you wondering now haven't i? lol

Say a big hi to everyone at the get together ... wish I could be there but will be seeing them in August ... can't wait!!

Anne said...

Rachel was so well behaved today! What such a gorgeous little girl!!! Good you made it up as such a miserable wet day.