Monday, August 13, 2007

Hi all

Thank you all for your lovely comments, texts and emails after my last post... sorry I have kept you waiting for so long but have had a hectic few days and kept running out of time to sit down and post on here.

Had the mammogram on Thursday - no where near as bad as I thought it would be. Lovely wonderful nurse who made me so relaxed and comfortable. Yes there was a bit of discomfort for approx 3 secs each time they took a photo (5 times in my case) but that was all. The nurse showed the results to the radiologist while I waited and all seemed ok from what they could see but would still need to see the specialist on Monday (today). Saw him this morning and he was a lovely guy and after showing me the correct way I should be doing my monthly breast check, he then did a check himself (with a nurse present at all times) and then did an ultra sound as well which showed up an all clear breast! So basically after all of that - I have an "overactive hormonal breast" LOL I need to go back in 2 months time for a recheck but overall I got the all clear! YAY!!!

Have had full on few days. Rachel's plunket check went well and she is weighing in at 9.4 kilos at 9mths which we are happy with. Plunket nurse was happy with her overall progress in all aspects :) We have been trying some new finger foods recently including: cheese (not that keen on it), luncheon sausage (thinks its ok), dried apricots (loves these) and fish fingers (loves these too). Still 2 teeth and still only crawling but is trying to pull herself up on some things so is definitely trying to get more mobile. We had a couple of days when her cough seemed to return but it seems to be ok again now (touch wood). Spent yesterday in Masterton and went for a trip up to Mount Bruce Wildlife Centre which was fun and as always it was great catching up with my sister, her partner and his girls.

It really sucked being back at work today - I did sweet fuck all work to be honest! Spent most of the day clearing emails and sorting out things on my desk! Just couldn't get my motivation back to get stuck into it all so hopefully I have it tomorrow otherwise I could be in deep shit! LOL

Right, its 9.20pm now and I still need to organise Rachel's bag for tomorrow and then head to bed... so will say good night now and will catch ya all later :)


Lyn said...

Big Phew!! Good news!!

Lil said...

Glad to hear its all good news! What a relief that must be for you! Lil x

Anne said...

Good to hear all well! You've reminded me that I have a mammogram next week.

Jaxx said...

Glad the news is good :). Just popping in to say Hi and still reading - have a great Sunday
