Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hi all

Wow! What a full on time of the year it is with so much happening and so little time to do everything though after reading Rachel's list of things she still has to do I think I have bugger all to do but to me it seems like a lot! :)

We have had a full on few days as Rachel was sent home early on Friday from daycare due to a runny nappy and a big power chuck... and although only did two power chucks (both on Friday) she has had diaherra since then - some days are worse than others... so she has not been a happy lass and very clingy! Steph stayed home with her on Monday but when I rung after lunch to see how things were going - he was not well at all and had caught her bug and was going at both ends!!! So I jumped on the train and headed home to look after both of them! I ended up calling Steph's dad at 7pm to ask him to take Steph to the After Hours as he was not well at all and was on the verge of dehydration.... he finally got home at 6am the next morning after spending the night in A&E on a drip!!! So yesterday all three of us were home and although Steph spent majority of the day sleeping off and on... I was totally and utterly shattered!!! Today, he went to work but I had a full on day at home with Rachel who demanded my full attention the whole day and at one stage I was almost in tears wanting to go to work for a rest and some peace and quiet!

Sounds like Steph wants me to spend tomorrow at home with Rachel too as he doesn't think he would have the patience to look after her if she is still so demanding (and he is probably right there too) so looks like I will be home tomorrow as well! Really bad time of the year for me to have time off but hey thats life and life sure can be a Bitch at times!!! The boss says "fine - family comes first" but when I go back I get the subtle hints about how inconvenient it was that I was away etc...

Anyway, it is now almost 10pm and this has taken me over an hour to write as my friend Paula from Christchurch rung for a good ole catch up :) So will try to another update soon to say everything else I was gonna say tonight... so will be back later :)


Anne said...

Phew! Doesn't sound good in your household! Poor Steph ending up in hospital for the night! Hope you don't get it. Take care:-)

Rachel said...

Hope everyone is well now and looking on the bright side, better to get it over and done with BEFORE Xmas :)

Chris H said...

Sorry to hear they have been ill, my daughter in Hamilton's two little boys have that bug too, hence I did not stop in to see them yesterday! No way I want to bring that sort of bug into my house. I hope your two are on the road to recovery now.

Lyn said...

Yep the bugs been going around Waihi Beach too!!

Jaxx said...

Bugs are here in Tauranga as well and
Just popping in to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Tania said...

Oh, how awful! Hope Rachel and Steph are feeling better soon and hope you don't catch it.

The whole carer's leave thing can be tricky can't it? I've been in the same situation many times with "those" looks or comments when returning to work after spending a day at home with a sick baby!

Paula said...

Hi Karen

I hope that you're all well now. We're looking forward to catching up with you guys tomorrow night (Monday)when we hit Wellington. See you then.

Paula (Christchurch)