Monday, May 29, 2006


Ended up having rather a busy day yesterday - having another sleep in till 9.30am then by the time I had showered, had breakfast etc it was almost 11am! Then we spent a couple of hours organising the spare room and bubs room (with the two single beds we had got on Saturday) - still bits to do but they both look a lot better than they did on Friday! Lunch, then a bit more tiding before heading to Lower Hutt to meet a couple of other MTB's (Mums to be) who are friends of mine and before I knew it two hours had zoomed past!!!

Home and made a batch of Banana and Raspberry muffins and also another banana loaf :) Yes I do like bananas but only cooked or in smoothies :) Am not keen on them by themselves... After the baking, it was time for tea (fresh pasta and sauce), then time to run the vacum cleaner through the house, do the dishes and then collapsed in a nice warm bubble bath for a wee while and even persuaded Steph to give me a back rub :) Then it was time for bed... so there was my Sunday :)

Today was a fairly cruisey day for a close-off day so the day went pretty slowly. Had a lovely email from Jude's brother which made my day.

Anyway, time for me to go and make my lunch and organise myself for tomorrow and then head to bed...

Catch ya later :)


Helena said...

would you bloody well slow down, you're making me tired!

Rachel said...

I agree with girl! I absolutely love that banana loaf which I think I remember you saying it was out of the Edmonds cook book. I am really scared to even read the recipe as I might realise how easy it is and then make it several times a week.............LMAO.

Carla said...

lol your hard case, makes me tired just reading about everything you do! :) seems like youve had a lot of energy come on, thats why the 2nd trimester is fantastic (for most people..... no comment here!) you can REALLY start enjoying your pregnancy now!!!!