Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hi ya

Well decided to stay home today and just blob out and stay in bed and do nothing... it is amazing the difference some extra sleep and just relaxing can do for ones mental health :) I feel a lot better and the aches and pains seem to be disappearing and luckily the headache had more or less gone when I woke about 9am.

Blobbed out for a wee while in the lounge with the sun streaming in before having a nice looooong warm shower which really made me feel a lot better - perhaps I should have done that last night or even had a bubble bath... but too late now. Will just remember that next time I am feeling achey etc...

I did put a load of washing out since the sun is shining but watching the sun and the clothesline we really are going to need a new one. We currently have one of those extender line ones which is good but doesn't get full sun coverage whereas we have been discussing removing that one and putting in one of those fold down rotary ones further in the section where it would more or less get sun all day. So that "want" has now moved further to the top of the list of things that need doing around here.

Right thats me for now... might go watch a DVD - catch ya all later

Ciao Karen


Anonymous said...

Good on ya, Chick .... just take things easy :-)

Kate said...

Good on you for taking a day for yourself, and for feeling a bit better! You gotta take care of yourself, especially when pregnant - it's the last chance you are going to get for a while to concentrate just on you!

I just use those clothes horse washing lines inside because the washing line outside is too far away, and too close to the potential Weta infested wood pile!! Lol. But I find they get dry within a day or two, so not too bad.

Anne said...

Pleased you are feeling better, sounds as if you needed a "me" day:)

Watch the sales for a clothes line - they come up quite often. Don't forget every little thing you do now is for you and your family not the landlord. You will get there!

Sue said...

Hope you're feeling even better today. You certainly picked a gorgeousday to stay home - days like that help me remember why I love Wellington so much!