Monday, June 05, 2006

BRRRRRRRRRRR it sure is damn chilly here today! In fact Steph is just turning the heaters on - I am surprised we have hung out for so long before turning them on today. We have the gas one on in the lounge (on low) and then he is putting one of the oil ones on down the other end of the house though I have just told him its probably not worth putting the oil one on for now but later in the day we will put it on so it warms up the bedroom etc...

We have found the style of heater that we want for the hallway - we just need my darling nephew (who is a sparky) to come down from Palmerston North for the day and fit a power point into the hall way and then whilst he is here there are a couple of other jobs we will get him to do... and then will pay him by cooking him a roast meal and a dozen beer :) So we will need that done and installed by next winter but prefably within in the next month or so!

So what have we been up to.... hmmmm not a lot really. Yesterday we looked at more paint colours, found the light/heat fitting we need for the bathrom as our one currently has 3 spots in it and is a ridiculous fitting for a bathroom so just waiting for them to get a price for us (as it is not a stocked item) and then will add that to the list of things Rob (my nephew) can do for us! :) We also went to the Warehouse and got a couple of cheap pillows (for between my knees etc at night time), a mattress protector for the spare bed in the babys room and also a toy hammock and chain for MY collection of soft toys! I used to collect soft toys a number of years ago and have quite a collection which has been in boxes and bags for the last few years so can't wait to get them out and display them as such.

We had a quiet night last night though I was feeling pretty shitty - headachy, cold, hot, and quite fluey... so Steph cooked dinner and we had a lovely rolled beef roast dinner with all the veggies (well all the ones that Steph eats) and then topped if off an hour later with an apple crumble with cream! I must admit I did feel better after having a decent meal so perhaps my headache etc was not helped that I had not eaten a lot during the day. We watched a documentary on C4 (Wgtn Channel) on Meatloaf - the musician that is not the meal! LOL Was really fascinating as we both enjoy his music. Once that finished at 9pm I headed to bed...

Had a restless night - seem to spend most nights awake between about 3-4.30am - so frustrating but all part of being pregnant I guess. Slept through till 9am and got up about 9.30am so have really enjoyed 4 sleep-ins this long weekend. Done sweet "F" all so far today - just mucked around home - we are now watching the MeatLoaf DVD that we borrowed off one of Stephs sisters quite a while ago but had never watched. I have done some more baking - and guess what I have made??? Yeap another banana loaf and a batch of banana and chocolate chip muffins! Steph thinks he is in heaven at the moment with my domestic baking every weekend and he is loving taking baking to work with him each day :)

We might head over to Wainuiomata to see a friend this afternoon but just waiting to hear back from her to see if she is going to be home or not... but apart from that not a lot planned.

Thanks for the comments re childcare and cloth naps from my previous post - we haven't definitely decided to use cloth yet but we are heading that way... I know it is more work when it comes to washing etc but we have got a plan that could work when it comes to that... we do have a supply of NB disposables which we will use for the first mth or so anyway. The only issue with cloth is the outlay at the beginning - the pack we like is $699 but then thats it - no more costs except perhaps some liners later on as it comes with 1000 liners as part of the pack along with a bag to put them in whilst out and also a bucket with lid etc... That includes all nappies from NB until they are potty trained!!! So comparing that to the cost of approx $3000 for disposables for the same period - thats quite a big saving but we just have to find the money to get the pack if we go for cloths.

Anyway, thats enough rambling from me - time to think about lunch as its gone 12.30pm now. Hope you are all enjoying the long weekend... catch ya later


Kate said...

As I said before, I think it's great if you can do the cloth thing :-)

Your weekend sounds really nice and relaxing - and I'm glad you've had some rest.

I love coming and looking at your ticker - nearly 18 weeks already, isn't that fantastic? Nearly half way! I'm getting so excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

Hun I am sure you will decide what is best re the cloth nappies etc.. but believe me spending time washing and cleaning them or spending time with you dear one you will go with spending time with him/her.

Sometimes it is better to go with the conveniant so that you can spend the quality time with people that mean more than washing washing washing.

I used cloth for the first month thinking the same thing and in the end almost had a nervous breakdown with all the washing and never getting enough sleep and not spending enough time with my boy.

What we did with Quinn (second child) was buy 2 packets of nappies every shop day before he was born and we had nappies lasting us forever and it didn't seem like such a burden once he was born and spent more time with him and it was more benificial for us all.

Love ya heaps hun.

Tania said...

Oh Karen, I can completely relate regarding the stuffed toys! Lachlan may only be 12 weeks old but he has stuffed toys all over his bedroom, thanks to his mum's collection! But isn't it nice to know that we are able to pass them on :-)

Lynda said...

From one who knows about nappies...

As I said, I used cloth as that was the only alternative in my day. Fletcher goes through about 7 nappies a day. We get them from the nappy direct places which are everywhere now and they are around 28c per nappy (for pretty good ones). At night he has the most absorbant (huggies or treasures) but that is only one per day at that cost.

Don't forget that that is the only cost - no power to dry the nappies or nappisan to soak them (which you will need to do). The nappies you are talking about take quite a bit of drying.

Seriously, do what you think is right but with working and all, you want time for you and baby. Also those Sangenic containers for disposing of nappies only need to be used for "soiled" nappies not just wet ones so that saves loads of money too on the refills.

Anonymous said...

lol...a nappy debate!!
It's great that people are offering their experiences :o)

I'm pretty passionate about my Fuzzibunz so I'm going to chime in too. I did disposables with my first baby and yep I guess it would have come close to $3000. They were very convenient. We used a good brand and I was very happy with them.
With my second I've used Fuzzibunz since bubs was 2 months after friends recommended them. It cost me $360 to set up with a dozen. Later I sold the outers on Trademe for $260 and bought the next size up (just 10 of them). I dry the inserts on the line (yay for breezy Wellington!), or on the heated towel rain in the bathroom at a pinch (4 times in 20 months).
For the past 4 months I've only had to wash every second day :o)

I'm an at home Mum and I don't find the washing a pain and I don't feel it takes me away from my kids. These days the extra $ we save comes in handy.

You will find the nappy solution that best suits you and your situation. Isn't it great to have choices (and to have internet buddies who will share their experienes and opinions!).

Anonymous said...

Interesting debate on the nappies. I was reading up about the pros and cons in a pregnancy magazine here in the UK and I think when (if?) I ever get pregnant, we'll use cloth. They're not as cumbersome as in the old days and I hate to think of a mound of so-called disposables cluttering up the landfill sites. But I tend to agree with those that have said they have their place for when you're out with bubs etc.

Anne said...

Good to be able to take time and read over your past few days.

I won't even start to get involved in the nappy debate:)

Leighanne said...

I did the cloth at home and disposable when out - and it worked fine, at night they seemed to wet more so I used disp then too - it was much easier than changing the whole bassinet!!

Once bub comes you will work out which is more convienient:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen. I love the nappy debate, like a lot of baby/child rearing things, everyone has an opinion, the beauty of this is that the opinions are actually from people who have been there done that. There is nothing worse than getting opinions from people who have not actually been there. At the end of the day, the best thing that you & Steph can do is make the best decisions at the time for your family. Most of it is common sense anyway - best advise I got from my mother in law when I had a panic about bathing the baby - if you drop him in the water - pick him up again!!!