Monday, July 03, 2006

Hi all

Not to much to say tonight after a full on day at work... only worked till 5.30pm but thats an extra hour or so on top of what I normally do - would have stayed longer had I had the car in town but as I can't really afford to run the car in to town and pay for petrol and the car park! But an extra hour each night should help things in the long run.

Food wasn't the best today - quite a few "naughty" things found their way into my mouth during the stress of the day but as long as it doesn't happen too frequently then I should be ok.

Had quite a few flutters in the last 24hrs so thats hopefully a good sign for me to start feeling some real kicks real soon! :)

Well not much more to say really - probably wasn't really worth updating but as I was sitting in front of the laptop whilst watching Extreme Makeover (taped from last Thursday) so thought I would update anyway...

Take care and keep warm


Anne said...

Meant to say to you that my first pregnancy I hardly had movement at all - even further on!!

Sue said...

Can I presume that was you I heard on the radio this morning - while I was sweating my butt off at the gym?