Monday, July 24, 2006

Hi ya

Well I had shit of a night last night sleepwise... initally woke about midnight with a headache so took a panadol and finally drifted back off to sleep and then I got up at 3.30am for a toilet stop and after getting back into bed "young madam" decided it was time to party!!! She jumped, she danced, she kicked until about 5am! No matter what position I tried to get in, she just wouldn't stop and I couldn't get comfortable! I was getting quite grumpy and frustrated by this time as I was already tired and all I wanted to do was sleep!!! So I think I finally dosed off just after 5am for about 1/2hr before waking just prior to the alarm going off... so I have been one tired gal today!

I was able to catch the earlier train today and got through all my work though it was a pretty full on day. Though the wee one was quite active again which does make things uncomfortable when sitting at a desk all day - so I do try to get up and walk around as often as possible.

So no baking done tonight either as I just don't have the energy. So perhaps tomorrow night all going well but won't hold my breath as I seem to be pretty tired by the time I get home most evenings. Definitely no 2nd trimester energy boost or glow as yet... but I keep getting told it can still happen.

Anyway, not much else to say so won't blabble on for the sake of it... will catch ya all later


Anonymous said...

Hey chicky, have you tried taking some extra pillows to bed with you to support your back and tummy?

~big hugs~ hope you get a better night's sleep tonight :)

Carla said...

yeah pillows are a great idea, i slept with them supporting my tummy, behind my back, between my legs, lol

hope your feeling good today chick :) i asked my midwife yesterday morning when the 2nd Trimester "glow" is meant to kick in, im still waiting too!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh great times to come for you hun... they don't let you sleep from now until they are at least 5 arghhhhhh... I can't wait for the time when my boys almost 7 & 5 are sleeping in on the weekends... OOOHHHHH I want that to happen he he he


Anne said...

This is only the start of many sleepless nights ahead:)

Kim said...

I so know how you're feeling. My little one decided about 2 days to become a prize boxer and hasn't stopped since.

And know I think the insomnia that I got with Bethany is starting as I lay away for and hour and a half last night just trying to get to sleep.

Isn't this fun? :D

Hope you feel better today!!!!!