Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Well after moaning about how active our wee girl had been on Sunday night - last night had to be one of the best I have had for quite some time. She was quite quiet and apart from a few movements as I went off to sleep as if to say "don't forget me mum" (as if I could) and then she was quiet for the rest of the night in fact I got a bit worried when I woke after such a good sleep (only one toilet stop) but she soon put my mind at ease.

However, I have had a shity day not so much workwise as that was pretty good but more so after doing some investigating on the "Working for families" and IRD website I have discovered that we are over the threshold by approx 300 flaming dollars for almost every available "top-up" that is out there! I am so wild at the moment as I have no idea how we are going to manage - looks like I might be heading back to work sooner rather than later :(

So apart from all of that - I don't have a lot to say apart from we are looking at all options availalble to us at the moment.

Right no more blabbering from me - catch ya later


Rachel said...

We are in the same position mate and it sucks ah?

I also had to go back to work early but Janene's suggestion of going back part time would be good if you could find daycare?

Anonymous said...

On Karen.....that just sucks! (We are over too, by 500 dollars.) So, we miss out on $40 per week or something! WE earn $500 to miss out on $2000??? Crazy!

I saw ANZ had "mortgage breaks" for 3 months (maybe 6?) and one of the suggested uses was so that Mum could stay home longer with baby, and I thought to myself that would have to be the best ever reason!
Oh look....just scrolled back and saw Janene has mentioned that!

If you're not at that magic 80 percent could you borrow from family or something to put you in that position...then re-mortgage and pay family back after you're back at work??? LOL, I'm grasping at straws here.....but there *has* to be a way.
Bloody government.......Mums and young families should be supported MORE in those important early months/years. I'd personally like to see 12 months paid Maternity Leave like in Canada (for those who want to take it of course, because not everyone wants to be a sahm.)

Pffft. I'm just pissed off on your behalf Karen :o(

I hope some solution you're happy with will present itself.

Anonymous said...

Re your financial state: If you earn more than hubby why dont you continue to work and hubby take parental leave.

Concerned Reader