Wednesday, August 09, 2006

27 weeks down.... 13 to go!!!

Yay I am on my day off but can't believe that it is almost 1/2 gone already!!!

Was up at 7.30am and at the hospital just prior to 9am. The dietician is really happy with my progress to date. Just gotta watch the "added sugars" that I am eating and to keep on trying to reduce my meat portions and increase my veggie portions. I don't see her again until about 4 weeks after bubs is due (if she is on time that is) and then that will probably be my last visit with her. One thing we did discuss was coke - as a couple of mths ago I started drinking it again! Haven't drunk it in a good couple of years and then suddenly I had an urge to have it at work one day. We have a fridge with cold can drinks for sale so I just got myself one thinking one is ok... so basically I started having ONE can a WEEK which she thought was ok. But over the last 3 weeks or so it has started to go to about 3 cans a week! :( And for someone who was addicted to it (many years ago I could drink almost 2 litres a day) she is concerned that I may go back to that habit but as I am so aware of it myself I am going to make a big effort to cut it back again to one a week!

Anyway, after there I went to the Baby Factory and put some money on the pram and carseat laybys and got a couple of wee things to add to my present for my friend who is due in a couple of weeks (who by the way is NOT Just Jo but another friend called Jo). Then I stopped at Countdown and got some baby stuff as they have a big baby special on at the moment along with a competition. Whilst there I got myself a cheese scone as I was starving by this stage. Have just demolished it (with no butter) and boy it was delicious! Also had a lovely glass of cold milo (one of my cravings at the moment)... so am now just blobbing out and will have some lunch later before heading down to Pregnant Jo's place to catch up with her and to see her nursery etc...

Having a meat loaf for dinner tonight, so might actually make that before going to Jo's so its all done for when I get back and I don't have to worry about it later on...

Oh before I go I must tell you all that I had the most amazing experience last night in bed (okay mind out of gutters ladies LOL). I was laying there before going to sleep and bubs was kicking away big time so I thought I wonder if I can see the movements through all the layers of fat and wow I did!!! It was amazing watching my stomach move in all directions as she kicked and moved around! But of course, when I tried to get Steph to see it - all he could see was my breathing (typical male) and then she stopped! LOL Thought I would get Steph to see/feel it this morning as I was laying in bed and called him over and said WATCH my stomach and he must have thought I said touch it as he put his ice cold hand on my stomach and I just about hit the roof and yelled some not so nice words at him! LOL Poor bubs would have wondered what on earth was going on! LOL Ohhhhhhhhh I can still feel the ice coldness of it when I think about... shudder!

Anyway, thats enough rambling from me - might go turn the heater on as its quite chilly really. Catch ya all later


Chubbymum said...

I reckon it is normal the craving for Coke... OMG I wanted Coke soooo much when I was pregnant with Corbin and I craved it like you wouldn't believe but with Quinn I wanted steak,mashed potatoes and peas every single night for dinner but hubby stopped me after 5 nights as he was getting sick of it he he he

Sounds like your day so far is going really well

Love CM

Rachel said...

I agree with chubbymum, I also craved coke when pregnant with both boys and my specialist told me that it was fine having one a day (which does seem heaps a?) and that kept me as happy as larry.

Hope you had a nice catch up with your friend.

Rachel said...
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Carla said...

yeah i crave coke a bit too, so does a friend of mine who NEVER drinks it! lol i dont know what it is about it!!!

i hope you had a wonderful day off!!! :)


Tarns said...

im so craving coke too....and carrots! pregnancy huh! Hope you had a great day off hon :)

Chubbymum said...

Hi :o) You'll probably hate me for this, but its great publicity! lol I have TAGGED you, so I hope you will take the challenge. Check it out over at my blog

Anne said...

Yahoo - only 13 weeks - not long to go now!!!

Helena said...

You've been tagged - go see my blog :)