Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday afternoon and all is well... quiet but well :) Sorry if I have had you worried Tarns but I occasionally leave my update till Sunday evening especially if I haven't been up to much :) But all is ok - just had a fairly quiet weekend overall.

Hmmm yesterday we didn't do anything too exciting really - housework, groceries, lunch, then I popped up to a girlfriends place for a good ole catch up with her which was great. She had another friend there as well who has a 5yr old and a 2 1/2 yr old who were so full on! This friend of my friend also gave me a big bag of baby toys, nappy holder, and a few other bits and pieces so that was really kind of her. Home and just basically just blobbed out for the rest of the afternoon. Had a yummy cottage pie made from the Food in a Minute book for dinner. Early night for me - think I was in bed just after 9pm admittingly it was after an argument with Steph but I knew I was tired and the best place for me was bed!

Today, I woke reasonably early and as the sun was shining, I got up and went for a walk! Yeap you read right - Karen got up and went walking! Albeit only for about 35mins and I think I covered about 2.2kms so it was definitely a slow one compared to what I was doing prior to pregnancy but considering how long it had been since I went for a proper walk (i.e. not counting my walk from the station to work each day) I felt I did quite well. I think I even had some Braxton Hicks whilst out walking as my stomach tightened off and on a few times so I just slowed down when it was tight and uncomfortable! But I must admit as tired as I was when I got back I felt really good for doing it. Blobbed out all morning just doing bits around home as Steph was busy trying to clean up my old PC so we can sell it to his brother (for his kids) so I had to go through all my doc's and emails and save the ones I wanted to save as there lots there from when Dad was sick and also a couple of poems that Jude had written for me etc which I didn't want to lose.

Helena popped infor a coffee and a chat for about an hour which was great! :) Talk about talking the time away - time always flies when we get talking :) After she left, I whipped up a batch of Crunchy Lemon Muffins and a banana loaf, did the dishes and am now blobbing out again! We have a lovely piece of corned silverside cooking away in the crockpot so am really looking forward to that for dinner! :)

So didn't get much work done in the nursery at all since there are still heaps of computer bits all over the spare room floor but hopefully they will all be gone by the end of the week and then we can move all the stuff from the nursery into there and really get going on the painting etc... Still not sure whether she likes the noise of the keyboard or hates it but boy she gets so active when I am on here typing away... shes not too bad when I am just surfing the net but once I get typing she starting kicking and moving around! LOL

Looking forward to my weekly bubble bath later on... and then going to bed to read my book. Oh before I go I must share with you all the CD I am listening to at the moment - its one I picked up from Countdown last week - its a kids one called "Travelling sing-along songs" and it has some awesome songs on it like: Puff the Magic the Dragon, Yellow Submarine, Going to the Zoo, Michael Finnigan, The Wheels on the Bus and my all time favourite Supercalifragilistic! I just love that song and I sing along to it much to Steph's amusement! I can't wait till we have this playing the car on our journeys! LOL

Right time to get moving... getting cold now so time to pull the curtains, put the heater on, etc... hope you all have a great week :)


Tarns said...

Hey honey, glad you are ok!!! Go the weekly bubble bath, i need mine tonight as well!

Have a great week

ps - you have been tagged, check my blog for details

Kate said...

Hehe, some days I just groan at the thought of listening to Amelia's cds one more time - but mostly I love to sing along at the top of my voice - Amelia thinks it's great - and I catch her singing too sometimes :-)


Tarns said...

he he know i tagged you for something else. read todays post :)

Anne said...

Paulene is right - you really are going well with your weight gain over the pregnancy.