Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday evening

Hi ya

Well another week over and another weekend begins... and at this stage we still don't have a lot planned which is good but feels funny at the same time if that makes sense.... guess it's because we are used to having fairly full on weekends! So we are hoping to spend a bit of time clearing out the nursery and preparing the walls and windows for painting (on top of the housework and groceries of course).

Work was pretty quiet today with L being away so it was just the boss and I and to save him moaning about his workload I helped him out as I had sweet FA to do today... I should be making the most of August as that is our "quiet" month before the mad rush of September and October before preparing for the Christmas "rush" but then of course I will be enjoying time at home with our wee one by then. Had some bad news this afternoon when we found out that one of the girls from downstairs her mother was mugged and beaten in broad daylight just down the road from work - a very busy central Wellington Street so had the cops downstairs for the rest of the afternoon! Not nice at all and very scary! I was quite wary when walking to the station this afternoon...

I have been a bit paranoid today after talking to my eldest brother in Ireland - I mentioned to him about the son that he lost 15 years ago. I was being nosey and was wondering how far into the pregnancy Pauline had been when she lost Thomas (who had strangled himself on the cord) thinking that it had been about the 23 week mark but nope - it was in her 28th week which of course happens to be the same period that I am at now so have been paranoid worrying about each and every movement our wee girl has made today which was sweet bugger all but luckily since being home she has definitely become a lot more active which is putting my mind at ease but I think I will be on my toes for the rest of the pregnancy making sure I get enough movement each day...

Anyway, enough rambling from me - might try to take a belly shot over the weekend and if I do I will post it :)

Hope you all have a good weekend and take care everyone


Tania said...

I know what you mean about worrying about all the movements, I did the same thing in my pregnancy. But the midwives told me that babies movements do slow down as the baby gets bigger and all is ok if you feel 10 movements a day ... of course I took that to the extreme and started recording times, but it definitely made me feel better about things. Have a great weekend!

Tarns said...

hope uyou are ok hon, you havent updated all weekend!!!! Unheard of!