Monday, August 21, 2006

Well am still having hormonal emotional moments so am just trying to take things one thing at a time one day at time. One moment I will be fine and the next I will be right down on the verge of tears (if not crying already).

Yesterday morning I was fine and Steph and I had some fantastic quality time whilst having a lay in which was great :) Made a start on the nursery by sanding down the windows and the walls (after Steph had filled all the wee holes with polly filla) and the ceiling.... we shouted ourselves lunch from the local bakery (as we had a wee win in lotto) and then after a bit of blobbing we ran out of motivation to start the undercoating so that will wait until this weekend. And then that seemed to start off another wave of emotional time (and a few tears) for the next few hours until I hit the sack!

Woke up today not feeling like going to work at all and it took until about lunch time before I seemed to come out of my rut! But then by the time I got home I was feeling down again until Steph and I combined efforts and started cooking dinner. We had Hunter Style Chicken on Rice (another receipe from the Food in a Minute cookbook) which was delicious and we both have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

Currently watching the documentary on TV1 -"Having a baby ruined my life" which is filmed in England but so far its quite interesting. And having just asked Steph if he is having second thoughts already (first ad break just on now) and he said sort of! Ooops! LOL I know we won't be perfect parents nor we will have the perfect child/ren but we will learn as we go along, listen to advice on the way and we will manage in our way that suits our style.

79 days until the due date.... and only 42 working days left! Am contemplating about asking to take a days Annual Leave each week for the last 4 weeks or so but unfortunately that will be our REAL busy time (with perhaps weekend work involved) so I feel real bad asking for that time off but I do need to think of myself and the baby's health. Yes I could call in sick if I wanted too but don't want to use all my sick leave now as no doubt I will need it after bubs is born and she goes through the childhood illnesses!

Right time to get moving - catch ya all later


Kate said...

I reckon having a day of annual leave a week is a great idea. It's so exhausting working full time when you are pregnant, I know. I worked full time up till 37 weeks with Amelia and those last few weeks I basically shouldn't have been there because I was miserable!

Big hugs Karen - these last few weeks are so hard, but I promise you it's worth it! And I saw a wee bit of that documentary, and I thought a lot of their misery came down to parenting! Having a baby will not ruin your life or Stephs, hehe. It's gonna make it more wonderful than you could imagine before. For every crap moment I have during the day and night with my kids, there are hundreds and thousands more which are precious and wonderful.

That emotional thing takes a while to go away, but I think I'm just starting to come out the other side. I haven't cried for a week at least! Lol. And my sister said to me a few days ago "Gosh you seem so much less grumpy!!" Hehe.


Anne said...

We saw that program too and neither of us ever felt like that when we had our kids (and we were under pressure two with twins and a 17month old) wasn't easdy - but we got a lot of fun and piles of memories of those years. I'm sure you and Steph wil manage fine!!

Not a bad idea taking some leave a syou get closer.