Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Wow check out my ticker... we are finally down into the double digits now for the countdown... yeap only 99 days to go! And only 1 week 1 day until Carla and I enter the third trimester! Now that is real scary! And makes things so real I guess if that makes sense! :)

Bubs had a real quiet night last night so in turn that meant mum got a reasonable nights sleep too... in fact she has been quite quiet for most of the day but have still had enough movement not to call the MW... in fact as per usual she is moving around as I sit here typing this. So its obviously something to do with the noise of the keyboard I am thinking! :)

I almost told my boss where to go today as I have had enough of him! He came to work today sick and I have had to put up with him sneezing, coughing (both he does without covering his mouth), sniffing, moaning, groaning, swearing.... and to top it off he has recently given up smoking so is chewing gum reguarly but I have NEVER EVER known anyone to chew gum so damn noisely!!! And then there is the bubble blowing/popping that he does continuously!!! He knows how I feel about him doing it all but he doesn't really care! So by lunch time I had had enough!!!! And then he was on the phone to a customer and at the same time as talking to her he was stuffing his mouth with chippies and talking with his mouth full to her! I let him have it when he got off the phone about how rude it was and he just didn't care! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I was so wild! And to make matters worse, I had sweet FA to do all afternoon which of course made the afternoon drag on and on and on... Thank god L is back on deck tomorrow and all going well the boss will be staying at home - well if he knows what he is good for him he will stay home!

Anyway, enough moaning from me... just had to get it off my chest. Not much more to say, so will catch ya all later.


Anne said...

99 days!!

Can understand you being annoyed with the boss:)

Helena said...

woohoo thank god one of us got to 99! Congrats, getting excitin now :D

Sue said...

I once sat on a flight to Hong Kong next to a woman who chewed gum (loudly) the whole way. I'm surprised she made it there alive!

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Grrr, that boss of yours sounds like he can be a bit of a pratt.

You need to adapt the song "99 bottles of beer on the wall" to "99 days left of baby in belly" or something, and sing a verse every day!!

Rachel said...

Your boss sounds like an ignorant, arrogate little man.......how unproffessional.

I agree with adapting the "99 bottles of beer on the wall" song.

Carla said...

LMAO at least i have got to under 100 in SOMETHING!!!! :) holy toledos batman, told you this was flying by!!!! hope your having a better day at work today! xxx