Saturday, August 05, 2006

Yay it is Saturday and the sun is shining! Guess we had better make the most of it as tomorrow is not supposed to be too flash weather wise.

Am sitting here in the lounge, with feet up, sun shining in and the french door open! Had every intention of going for an offical weigh in this morning but upon trying to get hold of Babara this morning to ensure she was open, I couldn't get an answer (second week in a row) so am a bit bummed out really as I really did want an offical weigh in to see how my weight is going so far. At the last weigh in 6 weeks ago my total gain during the pregnancy was 8.1 kilos and am estimating that my gain is now sitting about 10-10.5 kilos which over 26 weeks isn't too bad I guess. And after talking to a number of women (from the forum that I belong to) who are also due in Nov, it seems that there are quite a few of us sitting about that 10 kilo mark so far in our pregnancies so all is ok there.

So, since I couldn't go to weigh in, it was time for breakfast, doing another load of washing (had done one last night), then we sat down and organised our meals for the week before going to do the groceries. Home and blobbing out whilst Steph is reading the paper... will organise lunch soon - we are having homemade BLT's with that chicken bacon on fresh breadrolls! YUM YUM! As I did the vacuming last night, I don't have to worry about that so after lunch we will probably head down to Mitre 10 Mega store in Petone to use some of Steph's birthday vouchers and get us the 3 in 1 bathroom light/fan and will have a look at what else we can get for the house whilst there. Tonight, we are heading to Steph's parents place for a "Welcome home" party for his middle sister who has been in London for the last couple of years - the theme is a "Curry night" so we are making a batch of Chicken Korma so it should be a good night though it won't be a too later night for us :)

Nothing planned for tomorrow as such so might spend some time on the nursery preparing the walls for painting etc... Might try to catch up with a couple of friends as well if they are free :)

Bubs is still being an active wee girl which is great - am getting over the "freaky" stage of the movement and just enjoying it all now. Though it does get a bit frustrating when she gets active during the wee small hours of the morning... but it is nice at the same time. Starting to get to that uncomfortable stage of sleeping so am using extra pillows etc much to Steph's annoyance as his share of the bed gets less and less... but like I keep telling him there are two other beds in the house which he is welcome to use if he wants to! LOL That ususally quietens him down for a while! LOL

Oh, I am also working on a doing a "random" post as per Kate's suggestion so stay tuned for that...

Right time to go organise lunch... hope you are all having a great weekend. Catch ya all later


Crafty Japan said...

BLT's sound good :) yum yum...

As far as weight goes, I'm around that gain now too and although it's a heck more than women over here are told to gain, I think it's pretty average for western women.

Our bub started REALLY kicking yesterday...almost to the point where I winced - obviously getting much stronger which is of course good, but... ouch :(

Kate said...

Yay, I'm looking forward to a random post.

The kicking will get stronger and more sore, but also nicer too because you can start to feel little feet and hands! I remember especially with Natalia because I was more used to it, I could feel her hands flutter, like open and close - truly amazing!

And Steph should get used to it, lol. Joseph has hardly any of the bed now - since Natalia and I take up a lot of room. Even if you aren't going to have your girl sleeping in your bed with you, I'm sure when you are up feeding her in the night, your bed is the most comfy place to be.

I'm starting to be nearly ready to put Natalia in her room at night, it's just so damned cold! And I know she'll feed through the night till she's about 9 months at least - so it's so much easier to have her in our bed.

Oooh, getting excited to meet your baby! (Not just yet obviously though!).

Jaxx said...

Sunny - you are lucky cold and wet here today :).

Wow over 26 weeks :)

Cheers Jaxx

Paula said...
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