Monday, September 04, 2006

Hi ya

Ended up having a rather an emotional, horomonal day yesterday... so didn't really do a hell of a lot really! Steph did the undercoating of the window sills as well as painting the ceiling in the nursery so whilst he was doing that, I cleaned Charlie's cage and did the vacuming (though that was a bit of a struggle at times).
Had a very easy lunch of saveloys (something that I had a craving for) and then did some baking and tried a new receipe for a chocolate peppermint slice which had melted dark chocolate as the icing. Absoutley devine taste wise but a bit fiddly and time consuming as it spent a lot of time setting (base and the peppermint paste etc...). After that, we headed to Steph's parents place to give his father a Father's Day present and whilst there the rest of the family dwindled in to do the same thing so it was great catching up with everyone though it did mean we ended up staying longer than we had anticpated.
Home for a very easy dinner of ham steaks, mashed spud and veggies. We were a bit slack this week and haven't organised our meals due to lack of time when doing the groceries so all meals this week will be rather ordinary and plain :) Which I guess makes a nice change everynow and then... After tea, I popped around to my friend Sharlene's place whose Grandmother had passed away late last week. I really want to attend the funeral tomorrow to support her but unfortunately it is at a real bad time for me workwise tomorrow morning - had it been in the afternoon I would have been able to go... but there is no way I can do it in the morning :( But she knows my thoughts are with her and the family. It was nice to spend a couple of hours with her and her partner last night and to have a good talk.
I had the most awful nights sleep last night that I have had during the whole pregnancy - I think if I was lucky I would have gotten 3 hours sleep tops! It wasn't bubs moving but just me not being able to get comfortable and every time I moved I needed to go to the loo - so at one stage I was so tempted to take my pillow and a duvet to the bathroom with me so I didn't have to make the trip yet again.........
So today has been a very looooong day indeed and had it not been our closeoff I would have called in sick as I had absoutely no energy whatsoever but dedication saw me at work plodding on through the day though it was a real struggle at times. So there will be a definite early night for me tonight!
Well - 32 working days left... and 65 days till the due date... so time is defintely flying! Right off to help Steph with tea (butter chicken on rice tonight).
Catch ya all later


Anne said...

Hang in there Karen - 32 working days and counting down!

Hope you can get nice and comfy tonight and get some much needed sleep!!!

Chubbymum said...

I know the feeling hun. I used to hate the nights when I was pregnant..

I had apnea (spelling?) where I couldn't put my head down or lay down flat so I slept in a arm chair for a month before my youngest was born... scared the hell out of me because I couldn't breath when I laid down.

But going to the toilet... we should have them cushioned I reckon when we are pregnant because we spend so much time on them he he he

Put some lavender on your pillow and have a nice warm milk before bed hun..

Thinking of ya