Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hi ya

Just thought I would do a quick update as Edith (my Midwife) has just left and thought I would let you know all is going well and she is more than happy with everything. BP is great - still sitting at 120/70 (hasn't varied much at all throughout the whole pregnancy) and bubs HB is averaging about 155 bpm. When Edith first found the HB, bubs gave the doppler gave it a huge kick! LOL And then hid for a wee while before co-operating again! :) But her size and position is great so its just a matter of time and waiting... she did say that IF work/stress/tiredness got too much for me - just to call her, we will then meet up, have a chat and if needs be she will give me a med cert.

I had my day off work today and managed to have a nice wee sleep-in but got up to find the weather real crappy so my plan of doing baby washing etc turned to dust and I just burst into tears as thats ALL I wanted to do today! But after a while I accepted it was just those damn hormones playing up again! But once I had "recovered" - I went and visited my friend Sheri and had a good couple of hours of catching up with her and her two wee girls! :)

I then did a few bits and pieces in Upper Hutt like paying the rates (YUCK), got some library books out and wandered around before coming home and taking it easy for the afternoon. Tried a new recipe for tea - it was a home and courgette pasta salad (hot) - I absoutley adored it but Steph wasn't keen on it at all so have got a nice dish of it for lunch tomorrow :)

Right gonna get moving.... Antenatal class tomorrow and amongst other things we will be watching the birth videos so that should be interesting... so will catch ya all later.


Anonymous said...

Oooh birth videos! Sounds exciting! When we did antenatal classes ours were a bit different... instead of a birth video, two of the midwives did a birth role play (lasted 2.5 hrs) - it sounds wierd but it made a huge impact on us, was fantastic! I can still remember it so clearly.

Glad you got a sleep in, and bummer about the weather! And I agree - YUCK about the rates! The rates are the bane of my life!

a mummy losing it said...

Very glad to read you are doing so well! another baby will soon be in blogland...