Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just thought I would do another quick post to let all know that I am doing ok and just plodding on. We had Antenatal classes on Thursday night - more relaxed and more chatting done but it's still hard not getting home till about 9.45pm then heading to bed and winding down etc... and all I dreamt of on Thursday night was my waters breaking as we had been discussing that at the class! LOL

Both Thursday and Friday were FULL ON days at work and I have heaps more to do so am going in for a few hours tomorrow (refused to work both days!). Last night, we went to a Prenzel's Party at my friend Lynaires place. Was great to see them and catch up with them and their other friends. I was even a wee bit naughty and sampled one of them (in a shot glass) but boy it was good! I did want more after that but went straight back to my OJ and nibbling on the crackers and dip. I was so tired that we headed home about 9.45pm and just collapsed into bed!

This morning, we were kindly woken quite early (just after 7am) by Charlie (our cockatiel) squawking away as the sun was shining through the curtains and no doubt he just wanted to be sitting in the morning sun! So I got up, opened the curtains and moved him into the sun :) Went back to bed and managed to get another hour or so of sleep before he started making more bloody noise! Managed to ignore him until 9am before I decided that I wasn't going to get much more of a lay-in so got up then :)

So far today, I have done 4 loads of washing and most of it is dry and folded already thanks to the wonderful northly wind we have blowing here today! We have done the groceries, had a scrumptious lunch of fresh bread rolls with tuna, lettuce, tomato and cucumber! Steph has done the second coat of paint on the ceiling in the nursery... and we are now about to start working on the window frames, skirting board and door frame... so best I get my A into G and start some painting. This is my choice as Steph has told me he will do it all but I want to feel that I have contributed in some way and by doing the skirting boards I can just sit on my big butt and work my way around the room (which is quite small).

Nothing planned for tonight - might get a DVD out and just blob out... and then of course I will be heading into work tomorrow for a few hours so will catch ya all later

1 comment:

Anne said...

Hope you had a great weekend and got all the painting done for the baby's room.