Wednesday, October 11, 2006

36 weeks down....

Hi all

Only 2 more working days to go.... YEEEHAAA!!!! I did contemplate going into work today since I had Monday off sick but then thought no I need my rest and they need to learn to manage without my continuous assistance so have stayed at home enjoying the sunshine! :)

But the best thing I have done today is:
Yeap thats right - we decided sometime ago to give cloth naps a go but I didn't announce so to speak on here due to the "debate" that came up last time the topic was mentioned. It looks a lot on the line but it is an entire "birth to potty" package deal - we may purchase another set of the small size ones to ensure we do have enough (at a discounted price since we have purchased a package deal) of that size. There is nothing I like better than seeing nappies on a line and flapping around in the wind! You do have to excuse the quality of the photo though as I took it from the lounge window as I didn't want the neighbours thinking I was mad taking photos of our laundry! LOL

Had the Midwife come around this morning and all is still just great! :) Bubs HB is high 140's (once Edith was able to locate it that is - for some reason our wee girl is never cooperative when it comes to staying still for that). My BP was 120/76 so still great there! No protein when I did the pee on a stick either so that is great also! :) Bubs is in an awesome position so fingers crossed she stays there until the time is right! Edith and I did have a laugh as it seems that bubs is going to have a big bum and tum (like her mum) but from measurements she will be long like her dad! LOL I did ask Edith about my sleeping as I am so much more comfortable on my right side rather than the left which is what is "recommended" at this stage in pregnancy (to aid bubs in getting in to the optimium position for birth)... Yay I have nothing to worry about - I can sleep on my right side if it means me sleeping... and as long as I keep up my swiss ball exercises and sitting upright when I can then I am fine! Phew...

My latest craving is apple juice! Just can't get enough of it!!! And also cheese and crackers.... yum yum! :)

I have my farewell morning tea tomorrow (as my boss is away on Friday) so that should be interesting. Hopefully I can find a computer to use tomorrow to ensure I can get some work and then on Friday I will be able to use my bosses one.

Anyway, enough rambling from me - will catch ya all later :)


Lynda said...

Those nappies look great - can you explain the system? They are not the normal old fashioned ones are they. Good on you, I'm sure some disposables will come in handy when you are travelling etc but I used cloth and never had a problem.

JustJo said...

Love the nappy shot!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hehe, looks like my washing line and I don't even use the cloths - but I use them for HEAPS of other things. Invaluable. My best friend Kelly (due tomorrow) is using cloths too. Can't wait to see how it all goes. I'm considering them for my next baby (!!!!).

Yay, not long at all for work now!!

Rachel said...

Two more days of work.....excellent!!!

Enjoy your morning tea mate and make sure to tell all the temps that they can't ring you every 5 minutes, you will need your rest!

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

LOL, you are the laundry papparazzi!!!

2 more bottles of beer on the wall!

Anonymous said...

ONE MORE DAY!!! i hope your having a relaxing last couple of days at work!!!!

4 weeks, 4 weeks! orrrr 27 days! holy pooooooooos!!!!!!

oh and i have a couple more rolls of nappy liners here, do you want them to add to your collection?? let me know!
