Monday, October 09, 2006

Hi ya

Have spent the day at home today as I had another rough night last night and only got about 2hrs sleep once again... for some strange reason it tends to happen on a Sunday night - not sure why as I am not worked up about work or anything like that. And the last few times it had happened I had had a nice bubble bath before going to bed... so last night I thought I wouldn't have one and yet still I was awake most of the night! GRRRRRRR Though at least I didn't have any major breakdowns this time - just kept myself calm which I think made things a bit easier... Anyway, when it was time to get up, I got up and showered very relucantly and then Steph told me I looked as bad as I was feeling and I also had a very sore back and a headache - so decided "what the hell" and crawled back to bed.

Surprisingly I managed to go back to sleep and actually slept through till about 10.45am but woke with the headache still lingering... so have spent most of the day either in bed or laying on the couch. Decided to get dressed about 2pm so I am not tempted to crawl back to bed despite still feeling a bit tired.

So as I have had today off, I MIGHT consider working Wednesday (is supposed to be a days Annual Leave) but will see how things go tomorrow at work. It is still very frustrating at not having a computer to use during the day due to the temp now using my one. So I spend the day logging off and on various computers around the building which is very frustrating indeed! So like I said I will see how tomorrow goes before deciding if I will work on Wednesday or not.

Oh, here is the photo of the gifts that we got at the baby shower - our wee girl sure was spoilt big time and since the photo was taken we have been given another 4 lots of gifts!!!

Once everything has found a place in her room, I will then take photos of the nursery and post them as well. She better be a she otherwise he will be very femininely dressed for the first few months! LOL

Anyway, will disappear now.... and will catch ya all later on.


Anonymous said...

WOW look at those pressies!
Would LOVE to see pics of your nursery (and belly!)

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Oh wow, thats a lot of pressies, I bet you had fun opening all of those!

Are you taking your resuce remedy at bedtime still?

And you don't want to hear this, but my cousin was told all the way through the pg that they were having a little girl, and now I have a 2nd cousin named Jack!!!

Rachel said...

Don't boys wear pink nowadays???

Don't worry about work, if your body tells you to rest - rest!

Catch up soon :)

HD said...

Oh wow, look at all those presents!!! That's amazing!

5 weeks to go, how exciting!

Jaxx said...

Wow nealry at the 36 week mark - hope bubs decides not to come to early and you get a couple weeks off before the big arrival.