Friday, October 27, 2006

Good morning all

Firstly a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Carla, Darryl and Kaylee on the arrival of Olivia Jade who arrived at 4.22am this morning weighing in 7lb 6oz! Can't believe that I slept through Kate's txt after spending all night religiously checking it for messages! Can't wait for the photos and birth story! And Olivia was born at 38wks 2 days - exactly the same as Kaylee was - how amazing is that!!!!

As for me - well I am still hanging in there - still in one piece and no sign of things happening for me as yet... just plodding on. Still getting the occasional cramps/pains but they so far they haven't turned into anything exciting as yet.

Yesterday was a good day :) I did go and see Barbara and have what will probably be my last official weigh in prior to having the baby. My weight was slightly more than what I had expected but hey I am not worried at all. My gain in the last 7 weeks was 5.2 kilos taking my total pregnancy gain to 17.9 kilos (as at 38wks 1 day). But like I said I am not worried - my main concern is giving birth as naturally as I am able to - to a healthy baby girl (hopefully a girl LOL). I know I was initally aiming to keep the gain to between 12-15 kilos but like I said hey I am not worried at all...

After seeing Barbara, I drove into town and went to work and caught up with my colleagues there before having lunch with a dear friend of mine. This friend was part of my support "crew" for the birth but after having a heart to heart with her and understanding her reasons, she is no longer going to be there for the birth but will be there just as soon as she gets the word that our wee girl has arrived! I was initally a bit upset but now I understand her reasons and accept them. I will still have Steph, Mum and my other dear friend Lynaire there with me.

After leaving work, I headed to Porirua to pick up the baby bathing rack that I got from TM for $1 - it wasn't in the best of conditions but hey for $1 what does one expect and its nothing a bit of nappisan or bleach won't fix! :) But by now I was busting for a toilet stop so popped into North City Shopping Centre to fix that issue... and of course while I was there I just had to waddle through K-Mart and Farmers but surprisingly enough I didn't buy a thing! I was tempted to go to the Michael Hill sale to get some Christmas pressies for the in-laws but there was a mile long queue to get in as they were only letting 10 people at a time into the shop! And there was no way I was going to stand in a queue.... so might head to Queensgate today and check out the shop there instead :)

Came home, lay down on the couch to read and within mins I was sleeping (and snoring according to Steph) and ended up sleeping off and on for 2 hrs! Which of course didn't help matters when it came to sleeping last night. Though I stayed up "late" till 10.30pm but it still took me over an hour to fall asleep! And then I kept waking to check my phone to see if Kate's txt had come through... LOL And like I said earlier - I then ended up sleeping through it when it did come through!

Anyway, nothing major planned for today at all. Might head to Upper Hutt for a waddle around the warehouse and as I have been told a couple of times - waddling around (i.e. being on my feet) can encourage labour so that all helps BUT I can't have the baby this weekend as it is Ediths weekend off and I so don't want her back up to attend the birth so perhaps on that note I should have a quiet restful day and weekend and then really get moving on Monday! LOL But back to today - not a lot planned so will just see how I am feeling and do things as I feel like doing them.

Speaking of which, I guess I should get moving and have a shower etc since I have been sitting here in my dressing gown for the last 90mins or so!

Catch ya all later.


Yummy Mummy said...

I have a feeling that you will have the baby over the next few days.... just a feeling.. might be wrong.
Get some rest.. the baby will keep you on your toes when it arrives!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend Karen, and enjoy the rest while you can :).

Cheers Jaxx

Anne said...

Take care and have a nice restful weekend:)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, after being there for the beautiful Olivia's entrance into the world I'm feeling even more excited about you having your baby.

Hope you have a great weekend.

I was going to text you to say 'nothing yet' earlier on, but i didn't want to wake you and get you excited!

Anne said...

Um...... where are you??