Thursday, October 26, 2006

Morning all :)

Yeap shock horror - its just gone 8am and I am up and updating already.... but never fear no news to report - just a nice sun shiny day and between the sun, neighbours revving a motorbike and other neighbours having a sander/grinder going I didn't like my chances of sleeping in. And oh add to that one rumbling tum - I decided to get up about just before 7am :)

One load of washing on the line already and another in the machine - god I hope I still enjoy washing as much after the bubs is born! Though on saying that I have always enjoyed washing so hopefully that does continue for a long time yet...

Had the MW visit yesterday afternoon though she was running almost an hour late after being held up with a call from a new mum whose baby at 6 days old decided that he didn't want to be breastfed any more after 5 perfect days feeding... so Edith had been at this mums place for about 3hrs helping her out getting everything settled again! But anyway back to me and my visit - all is well. Bubs head is now sitting in the brim of my pelvic region so she is definitely heading in the right direction :) Though perhaps 45 odd mins of sitting on my swiss ball before Edith arrived assisted that... Am sitting on the ball as much as I can these days as I know it helps the baby big time in getting into the right position and it is also very good to use in the first stage of labour :) Bubs has switched from lying LOA to DOA - not 100% sure of what the appreviations mean but basically instead of lying on the left hand side she is lying directly down the front of my tum in line with my belly button - you can feel her spine if I am in the right position :) Her HB was great though as always it was a struggle finding it as she really does hate Edith's doppler! LOL My BP is great returning to what it was at the beginning of the pregnancy which is exactly what it is supposed to do :) Though apparently I have quiet BP - took Edith awhile to get the reading of that as well... Oh after checking me out - Edith is prediciting that I will deliver within the next 10/12 days so will see how accurate she is as we wait...

Today, I am meeting a friend for lunch in town, then heading home via Porirua to collect a baby bath rack (one of those towelling ones that you can lay baby on whilst bathing it) which I got from TM for only $1! I am thinking that I will leave here a bit earlier than needed and stop at Barbara's for what will probably be my last "official" weigh in before bubs arrival. I am not worried about the numbers are going to say as the main thing is delivering a healthy wee girl! But thought I would go, weigh in and have a catch up with Barbara... then I may do a weigh in after bubs is born and then I have decided for a couple of reasons, that I will tackle this weight loss journey by myself (and with you guys supporting me). One reason being the $$$ - even though she is a lot cheaper than WW - its still $10 week that we can't afford... and the second reason being the petrol it takes to get there now that we live further away! So add the petrol costs to the $10 - it soon adds up! So once bubs is here, I will sit down, assess everything and just do this day by day and see how things go. I mean I know what I should and shouldn't be eating and that exercise does play a role in weight loss (and there will be no gym for me either) so between my knowledge and the support of you all I am sure I can get rid of some more of this excess weight :)

Right, its almost 8.30am now - its taken me a while to get this written and I hope it makes some sort of sense to you all... best I get moving, hang out the 2nd load of washing and then have a shower etc.

Oh before I go, I have a confession to make - yesterday was Steph and mine 3rd Wedding Anniversary and believe it or not we BOTH forgot about it until I was heading to bed about 9.30pm last night!!!! Neither of us could believe that we had BOTH forgotten it! We had both been talking about it a couple of days earlier and then the day just slipped by.... So we have decided no presents or anything due to our budget restrictions - but on saying that we are going to probably head out to dinner either Friday or Saturday night - just the two of us even though money is tight - not going anywhere flash or pricey - just somewhere with the two of us enjoying the company and making the most of the "us" time before bubs arrives!

Catch ya all later


Rachel said...

Hahahaha I new you would forget your anniversary, at least both forgot aye?

Great news that everything is AOK with bubs after your MW visit.

Lovely day to get your washing dry anyway (shock horror) after the weather we have had lately.

Anne said...

Happy belated anniversary!!

My husband can never remember ours now as our daughter was born exactly one week after our anniversary and he gets the dates mixed up (even after 30+ years)

Anonymous said...

I can understand how you would forget your anniversary, you're too busy growing your wee princess!!

Hang in there, it won't be long now until bubs is here and then you'll be wishing you had more free time hehehe

Hope you enjoy dinner out on Saturday :)

Sue said...

Crack me up, forgetting yout anniversary!
If you want an exercise plan written once you're ready to get back into it - I'm your girl. I'm sure I can work out a good one involving walking with your darling wee girl in the pram, and some resistance stuff using things you have at home - no costs then.

Anonymous said...

They say you loose your memory when pregnant... but what is hubby's excuse he he

You are too funny my friend

Love Chubbymum