Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hi ya

Well another day almost over and another day closer to bubs EDD... well when I saw the MW on Wednesday she was estimating within the next 10 days - so 4 days later we are down to within the next 6 days if she is right! Wow thats not far away at all! LOL

I did have a better nights sleep last night but that was in the spare bed in babys room! It still took me sometime to get to sleep but don't think the fireworks were helping me there... but once I was asleep (about midnight), I woke at 2.30am for a toilet stop and then back to sleep till 7.15am!! Up for another toilet stop and then back to sleep till 9.15am when I was woken by a very hungry tum!

After a bit of mucking around, we decided to head to Porirua so I could show Steph a couple of awesome toys I had seen at K-Mart on Thursday (that I thought would be good for us to get our wee girl for Christmas) and to check out the lighting range at Bunnings.... well what a wasted trip it ended up being. Everything we bought today we could have gotten in the Hutt Valley!!! K-Mart had sold out of the toys that I wanted to show him (they were on clearance deal prices but hey thats beside the point LOL), then I thought I would show him the earrings I had seen in Michael Hill that I thought would be good for his Sister for a Christmas Present - they had sold out of those as well! Ended up getting two Christmas Presents from Farmers for my two nieces from the UK (who will be over here), got a few bits and pieces from the Warehouse and then a night light from Bunnings! So like I said everything we bought - we could have easily bought over here but hey the drive was nice even if the weather wasn't!

Got home about 2.30pm with a headache and was shattered, so had a snooze for an hour or so before getting up and now just blobbing out before organising dinner. We are having pork chops, potatoes and veggies tonight.

Right, gonna get moving - will catch ya all tomorrow sometime. Oh my plan of attack for letting you all know if something is happening is to let both Lynda and Kate know any progress reports and they will post updates on their blogs but all going well I will do a quick post on here prior to going to the hospital so you know to check their blogs but if at any stage I go all quiet for over a day - do check out their blogs :)

Bye xx

1 comment:

Anne said...

Just doing my daily checkup.....

Getting so exciting knowing anyday now!!