Monday, October 30, 2006

Morning all

Had another restless night but I think that was mainly due to the weather conditions as everytime I seemed to dose off, either the wind, rain, hail, thunder, lightening would start up... or sometime a combination of them all! I did try something new and that was I put the new nightlight we bought yesterday for the babys room on in the hallway which made our room lighter and that seemed to relax me a lot more and no panic attacks... I used to be scared of the dark as a young child and now seem to wonder if this is coming back. Sounds silly I know and I am a bit embarassed thinking that I could be "scared" of the dark at my age! It could be a pregnancy related situation but also something to do with the house and the darkness of the curtains we have in our room... but as we moved into the house when I was 11 weeks pregnant I haven't had the change yet to unlink those two things... Okay now I am starting to confuse myself! LOL

Was up at 7.30am this morning as I hadn't felt bubs move for quite some time... but still no obvious movement from her after showering and eating breakfast which is unusual so went on to trying the hot drink then relax for 20 mins before having a cold drink and then relax etc... but all it took was the hot milo (and I don't normally drink hot drinks) and a bit of relaxing and I got some movement - nothing major but hey there isn't a lot of room in there for her to move around now but am just pleased that I go some movement... Keep telling her that she can come out now whenever she is ready but I have a feeling I have one stubborn wee girl in there at times! LOL

Not doing a lot today... might do the vacumming shortly as the bird seed in here (the lounge) is really starting to piss me off! LOL Still haven't got the huge nesting instinict as yet - so perhaps bubs could be a wee way away but then some people don't get the nesting urge at all! Am hoping to visit a friend of mine who had a wee girl in August and I haven't caught up with her for a wee while so best I make the most of the opportunity to catch up :) Oh have to post a parcel of soft toys away that I sold on TM - I was so hoping that it would go to someone local so they could pick them up but now the lady that has bought them lives in Gore!

Oh change of plans re progress reports when I go into labour etc... I am going to give my blogger details to Kate and she will update on here as we txt her with updates :) *Mental note - must email Kate my details in case I go into labour today* LOL

Catch ya all later...


Kate said...

I think the dark thing is pretty normal. I found I was much more scared and anxious about things towards the end of both pregnancies. I think you just have this instinctual need to be safe, and safe in your nest!

Anne said...

Have you tried the rescue remedy for the attacks? As you said it was a wet and wild night so that definately wouldn't help!

Unknown said...

Hi there!

I've been checking your blog every day to see if there was an action- thought I'd better let you know I was lurking around!!

Hope you get a decent sleep before labour starts!


Sue said...

Maybe your wee girl is just saving up her energy for some big activity to come?