Friday, December 01, 2006

Hi all

Well compared to yesterday when Rachel did more or less nothing but sleep all day - today is the total opposite! She was up from 7.15am (after being up at 3.15am) until 12.30pm! Okay she did have a couple of "power naps" of 15mins but the rest of the time she was quite contented and happy just to lay on her playmat and "blob" out.

The MW has been and Rachel has had a nice gain of 480gms over 12 days so am really happy with that! She also has been diagonised with a bit of silent reflux... so just gotta try feeding her in a upright position and wind her frequently to see if that helps things. It was also my last visit with her and I was crying when she left as I so don't want her to go! And what made it worse was that I didn't realise it was my last visit so I hadn't got her gift basket organised so told her that I was in the middle of making one up for her and she just said that seeing Rachel grow so well was enough of a present for her but if I really wanted to give her something just to page her and she will drop in for a cuppa to collect it So best I get my A into G and get it made up!

Toothace seems to have gone away today which is great but back is playing up a bit - gees I feel like I am falling apart at times! Must get some prices for some Osteo treatment for myself (will probably go to a different one to the one that we take Rachel as she is quite dear).

I was thinking of going out this afternoon but since Rachel has finally gone down to sleep I will just leave her and play it by ear and see when she wakes up... but hey the shops will still be there tomorrow or even next week!

Not up to too much over the weekend... will be nice having Steph here thats for sure :) Might suggest that he can do one of the morning feeds so I can have a lay-in but will see how we go. Sunday we have the bloggers picnic at Harcourt Park in Upper Hutt which I had totally forgotten all about until I read Janene's journal a couple of days ago and I have double booked myself! :( So have emailed Sue and said that Rachel and I will come to the picnic for an hour at the beginning but as we have friends coming for lunch at 12.30pm I will need to be home by then... That is the 2nd time since Rachel was born that I have double booked myself so sat down last night and wrote everything up on the calendar for December so hopefully it won't happen again!

Right, I am going to go have a lay down while Rachel is sleeping... have a good weekend everyone and for the Wellington Bloggers - looking forward to seeing you on Sunday albiet rather briefly!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL about the double booking. You just might officially have Mummy Brain (I mean that in the nicest way!).
Thanks for your email....I'm so glad things have come together with the feeding in a way you're all happy with. Sounds like Rachel is thriving!!

My last baby was a silent refluxer.
There is a good reflux support board...
crying or something like that if you find you need to talk to other Mums dealing with the same. At least with the silent reflux they still gain weight well!
My baby was over the worst of it by 10 weeks old after I stopped eating all traces of dairy (that was affecting him thru my milk) from 2 weeks.
Really good to have a diagnosis anyway because it can be frustrating when they're unhappy after a feed and not to know why!

Your midwife sounds great. The end of that relationship is hard when your midwife been such a support. Plunket can be really excellent too though....hopefully you'll have a lovely local nurse :o)

Best of luck!
