Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I thought I would take the opportunity to do a quick update while Rachel is sleeping :)

Haven't really been up to anything that exciting in the past few days but the big news over the weekend was that Rachel decided she could sleep through the whole night! Friday night she was down in bed by 9.30pm and slept through till 6am!! And then on Saturday night she was down by 9pm and again slept through till 6am! Wooohooo!! Okay it only lasted those two nights but at least we know she can do it when she wants to! The last two nights its been back to 4am wakeup calls but at least that means she is doing between a 6-7hr stretch at a time. It's just hard going back to bed about 5am when the birds are starting to sing and its starting to get light...

Rachel has also been in cloth naps for the last 7 days!!! They have been fantastic and so easy to use now that I have my head around them. Okay I am doing a load of washing each morning (which will be changed to nights when I go back to work) but it only a few mins of the day putting the washing on and then hanging it out... we did do 3 nights in cloths as well but Steph is finding it hard to manage the cloth situation when doing the night change so we have compromised and are using cloth during the day and then disposables at night. But then on saying that once Steph goes back to work next week I will be back to doing the night feeds during the week and as I don't find them that hard to do I think I will keep her in cloth all the time and then just use the disposables on the Friday/Saturday nights when Steph is on duty so to speak :) We do have 4pkts of huggies that she will be growing out of shortly but we can either take them back to the supermarket and exchange for the next size up (always good to have a pkt or two on hand anyway for emergencies) OR I can sell them on TradeMe.

Anyway, enough of that... not a lot more happening in our lives really. We had a fantastic time in the Waiarapa with it being 28 degress!!! The weekend was pretty quiet overall which was nice. Yesterday we went and met with the Mgr of the daycare centre that Rachel will be going to - she was lovely and very easy to talk to and put our minds at ease over the few questions we had. Today, I have my friends Steff and Jo coming around for afternoon tea with their beautiful wee girls and Steff's wonderful son! :) So have just whipped up a batch of cheesy muffins - though just sampled one and they don't taste as good as usual but they are still nice. Was going to make a sweet slice as well but have run out of flour so will have the muffins and perhaps open the pkt of Mallowpuffs that are in the pantry. Then tomorrow, I have our coffee group morning tea and then in the afternoon Steph and I have an appt to update our wills and do the guardianship for Rachel etc...

Hmmm on to my weight - not looking that good at the moment :( The scales are SLOWLY creeping back up again so must nip that in the butt before they go too much higher! Can't afford WW and Barbara has wound up her business of Positively Slim. Don't want to do Sure Slim - one for the money and two for the 5hr break between meals and no snacking. Yes it might work for some (I have two friends that have lost quite a bit of weight doing Sure Slim and have kept it off) but its not my cup of tea so to speak. But like I have said in previous posts, I know what I should and shouldn't be eating... and I know exercise is vital in any weight loss programme.... sooooo I just need to eat correctly and get off my butt and I should be right. I am doing a bit of walking - perhaps I just need to pick up the pace a wee bit! :)

Right, best I get moving and do some bits and pieces around here before young Rachel decides to wake up again though at least with Steph at home, he can do feeds etc if I am wanting to get other things done.

Catch ya all later... oh I know I have been slack in acknowledging comments or questions and I do apologise for that. I often read the comment and think "I must drop so&so an email" but I often never do that. So please I am reading and taking on board comments etc and I will make the effort to acknowledge them more.

Ciao for now


Sue said...

It might be worth having a look at Calorie King - or maybe have a crack at writing your own programme. After all, you know what has worked for you in the past, and you can always use the scales at the chemist...

Crafty Japan said...


Great to hear that Rachel is slowly sleeping through the night. Ryder slept from midnight through to 9am this morning - shocked me I tell ya!! He's my alarm clock these days and it was a slow start this morning. But hey...who's complaining??

What amount and how many feeds is Rachel having these days? I'd be interested to see if they're drinking similar amounts...

Anne said...

Just another thought - some areas have other weight loss places that can be quite a bit cheaper than WW. Also as you said you do know what you need to do - so I'm sure you'll get back into it.

Kate said...

Great work on the cloth naps - I have a couple of friends who are using them and also say they are great :-)

And yahoo on Rachel sleeping through the night!! I've just had 3 nights in a row from Natalia which I'm over the moon about, just hope she keeps it up. The first of those 3 was the first time EVER! Yay!

Sandra said...

It all sounds good. I'm so glad the cloth naps are working well.

I thought I'd mention that I'm using www.sparkpeople.com to log calories and water and exercise. On the plus side it's free, it's up to you how much you delve into it and there is always someone to talk to in the online teams (including at least 2 NZ teams). On the minus side it's very American-focused and that can take some getting used to. It can also be addictive and time-consuming if you decide to try and get as many points as possible (current addict speaking!).

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Gosh, don't worry about replying to comments, we know you are busy!!!

Good you hear your girl has slept through the night - it can be done!!!