Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hi all

It's been a quiet few days in our household with both Rachel and I having colds. I stayed home with her yesterday as she was very rattly in her chest when coughing and breathing... very happy when she is up but when sleeping she is very unsettled and restless. We have raised the head of her cot and tonight we have the crock pot in her room filled with water and on low which apparently works the same as a steam vaporizer so will be interesting to see how she sleeps tonight.

I was back at work today as I was feeling better so Rachel stayed home with her daddy and had another quiet day. I have made a Dr's appt for her for tomorrow afternoon just in case she is still unwell tomorrow - I thought that way if she does come right we can cancel the appt.

I have tomorrow off work on Annual Leave as Rachel has her plunket appt with the Karitane nurse and apparently this is the appt we get the talk about how to introduce solids etc... so didn't really want to miss this one. But talk about scary thinking about our wee girl starting solids in the next few weeks! Rachel will 4mths old on Friday! Wow 4mths already - where does the time go? So she will only have 2 days at day care this week so am expecting her to be a bit unsettled when she is there on Thursday and Friday.

Anyway, I have a basket full of clean laundry to fold so best I get moving and do that before heading off to bed.

Catch ya all later


Chris H said...

Wow, solids soon! Oh what a messy business that is, but funny too... they usually pull some very wierd faces at new foods, can be really cute. Sorry you are both not well, hope you are feeling much better soon.

Rachel said...

Glad to hear you and Rach are feeling a bit better.

Solid's already????

Paula said...

I hope you and Rachel are both feeling a lot better now. Gees ... nearing 4 months aleady - the months certainly are flying by!!

Anne said...

Four months - that time has flown in! Hope you are soon all 100% again.