Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hi all

Once again, thanks for all your wonderful supportive comments and emails :) I am in the process of setting up a new blog that will focus on family life and our day to day happenings. And rather than actually deleting this one altogether, I am thinking that I will keep this one running and use this one for weight related topics etc... so will see how that plan works out but will keep you posted :)

I still can't believe this is my final week as a SAHM (Stay at home mum) and that next week I will be sitting at desk working! :( We had another session at day care yesterday morning spending one on one time with Dayna who is going to be Rachel's main caregiver. And then on Friday afternoon we are back there where Rachel will have a play and then Dayna will feed her and then together we will settle her into her new bed there and then I will leave and have some "me" time (might go spend my Westfield vouchers I got for my birthday) and then Dayna will call me once Rachel is awake again. Then Monday it will be for real! As Rachel tends to have her big sleep in the afternoons, we have arranged that Steph will call them as he is about to leave work and if she is still sleeping, he will come home and they will call him when she wakes so he can collect her.

We did have a full on day yesterday (after a rough unsettled night on Monday) as after our time at Day care, we hit the road and went up to Mum's for lunch and spent about 3hrs with her (and some of her friends that popped in to see Rachel) and then after leaving mums I went to see a friend of mine Paula (a reader of my blog) and her daughter who is 18mths old. It was great seeing you both again!!! Rachel was still rather tired and grizzly when we got there so after a bit of rocking, she fell asleep in my arms so that gave us a bit of peace :)

Oh I mentioned a wee while ago about Rachel being fussy with Steph feeding her - well her ears must have been burning when I said that as she will now take it from him most of the time. Sometimes she is still putting up a good fight and after a while of her crying etc I will generally takeover as she is already tired and I don't like seeing her working herself up to much at that time of the night.

TOM arrived with full force late on Monday evening, and I know this is a bit TMI but boy I feel like I should be wearing Maternity Pads again as it is that heavy! YUCK!!! So its making me feel very blah and yucky at the moment so we are just having a quiet day at home with just the two of us :)

Tomorrow, I am going to my friend Jo's place to spend time with her and her daughter Maddie and another friend of ours Steff and her children as well so am really looking forward to that! Am SOOOO going to miss them so much when I go back to work! I know there is email, texts and the weekends for visiting but its just not the same as catching up during the week while our "other halves" are working! :) Am also going to miss our Antenatal group get togethers as well - there is actually a lunch today which I had been thinking about going to but with me feeling so yuck and today being our only "free" day I have decided that we won't go.

Friday, a quiet morning and then when Rachel wakes about lunch time I will take her to day care for her time there.

Anyway, best I get off my big butt and get some things done around here.... will keep you posted when I make the move to the new blog (just wish I was more creative but never mind).



Tania said...

Doesn't that time at home fly by? I thought my return to work date seemed like ages away but it came up so quickly, enjoy these last few special days with Rachel and i'm sure (like me) you'll find that it's the quality of time and not the quantity that really counts.

As to your blog - you do what you want to do, I will be reading regardless as i'm sure heaps of other people will be, after all every aspect of our lives affects our weight loss efforts and some things are just more important!

Rachel said...

Hopefully Rachel settles and sleeps for ages on Friday so you can have a good ole walk around Westfields........hahaha.

You must have been signed in under Rachel's new site because when you left a comment on my blog, your name came up as Rachel?

Anonymous said...

dont forget the peppermint tea!!!!! be strong, it's gunna be a tuff week next week *huggies*

Anne said...

You will get into your own routine with Rachel, work and life. Will be hard to start but don't ever feel guilty. I know you will enjoy every minute you are able with her.

Pleased you aren't going to stop blogging altogether.

Chris H said...

I look forward to seeing the new blog, and boy, don't I know about heavy TOM'S !! Poor you, hope you don't have pain too.

Anonymous said...

Hun things will be alright... I was the same way when I went back to work but it is the way it has to be right now. I reckon I spent more quality time with my boys when I was working because when I got home I wanted to spend realllll quality time with them.

It will be sooo hard hun but you will be fine and so will Rachel.

Jo made a comment a couple of posts ago that her daughter didn't suffer from going to childcare and neither did mine!!! I think it helped them even more and both my boys are at the top of their class and they mingle really well and don't cling too much when leaving them at school which makes school life so much easier (I know it is a long time till that for you).... what I mean is that they get the benefits of both worlds ya know.

I am so so so glad that you have still decided to keep on with your blog hun. I do think that you should just have one and speak about what 'you' want to speak about in it whether it be Rachel or weight loss or your work life that one blog is hard enough to keep up with (with your busy life) let alone try to keep up with two.

We come here to read about you and Rachel and Weight loss and everything else is YOU ya know.

Big hugs my friend
Love CM

Anonymous said...

Preschool is definitely a good introduction to school life - from about age 3 1/2....YEARS that is.

At 3 1/2 months Mum is best. And so is Breast.

Jules said...

If I was you Karen, I would be turning off the anonymous comments as it appears someone is using it to try and make you feel bad and to highlight their own opinions!!

Sorry I haven't commented for ages but, if you think it's busy with one baby, try four!! Ok, technically not all babies but I can milk it a bit can't I??

Not everyone has the luxury of staying at home due to financial commitments so you have to make it work for you, whatever your choice has to be. Kids are amazingly adaptable and she will still love you just the same.

I'm hearing you on the creativity front. There is a chick who does blogger templates that you can download for free and she has quite a few nice ones. Her link is on my site at the bottom right. Ignore mine at the mo though as the picture has disappeared for some unknown reason! My blog is all about my WHOLE life now, not just my weight loss (or lack of it).

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

OMG, I haven't visited for a few weeks, I'm so sorry!

Hope you enjoy your last weekend at home, and that going back to work next week goes smoothly for you all.

Keep me posted if you do go to a private blog, and I will try and be more regular at reading!!!

Anne said...

Thinking of you all tomorrow when you have the big step of day care and going back to work. Hope it all goes well.

Don't worry about the anon comment - not worth it!