Sunday, March 25, 2007


We have had a weekend of "firsts" here so thats great! Friday evening while Rachel was having some tummy time she FINALLY lifted her head and was looking around and grinning away very pleased with herself (all she has done previous is just lay there), then on Saturday she had her first bounce in her new Jolly Jumper and she just loved it! Though mental note to her mummy - do not put her in it just after a full bottle! LOL Then today Rachel had her first taste of solids! And she loved it and ate almost the whole lot with very little spat out! That was at lunch time and a bit of baby rice with apple and cool boiled water (had no formula made up) and then she had some more just before bath time this evening... so am really hoping she will sleep a lot better tonight as I just don't know how much longer I can go on with her waking two/three times a night! Will keep her on the baby rice for this week and will give it to her once I get home from work and then will try some veggies at the weekend (got some great tips from my friend Jo whose daughter Maddie has recently started on solids).

Thanks to you all for your lovely comments and emails about Rachel's photos - yes she sure is growing very quickly! We got some great photos of her this weekend doing her "firsts" as well as some others so once they are downloaded I will share them with you all.

We have our fingers crossed that we can get through a second consecutive week of daycare as so far she hasn't done 2 full weeks in a row yet due to her cold and then her diarrhea.

Anyway, better get moving, things to do before heading to bed for the night (and hopefully a good nights sleep) and want to give mum a quick call too... hope you all have a great week.


Kate said...

Awww, such cute photos, she's really grown!

How exciting, all those firsts :-)

Paula said...

A very exciting time for you all - great to hear that Rachel loved her first tasting of solids.

Good luck for a healthy week for you all ahead.

Lyn said...

Ohhh I so remember when my kids had their "very firsts"... cherish those moments, they grow so very quickly! :)

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, gave me a big smile :)

Anne said...

She is just beautiful. What huge expressive eyes!! Very cute and growing fast.

Chris H said...

Wow, real food, she won't look back now... and with any luck it will help her to sleep all night!

Tania said...

Yay for Rachel's firsts :-) Lol @ not putting her in jolly jumper after a full bottle, I learnt that lesson the hard way too! Gotta love those photos of first solids, so messy and still my favourites!

Jules said...

There are so many memories flooding back when I read this post. Reminds me I must get Sian's jolly jumper out. Childcare is always a hive of bugs and it will take a good 6 months for her to get used to it (speaking from experience here) but you'll get there. She has such beautiful big eyes.