Sunday, March 18, 2007


A BIG THANK YOU to you all for your lovely comments, emails and txt's after my last post. I am feeling a bit better now especially since we are all healthy again in our home (touch wood). Still a bit down about a couple of things but will work through those over time...

On Friday, both Steph and I went back to work and my Mum came over from the Kapiti Coast to look after Rachel for us. Sounds like they had a great day together once Rachel settled down and let Mum give her the bottles. And I know Mum throughly enjoyed it!

I had a lovely day yesterday shopping at Queensgate with my friend Jo who was having time out from her daughter Maddie :) It was supposed to be child free time for me too but unfortunately Steph was not very well yesterday (upset tum etc) so ended up taking Rachel with me but that was alright though she did start getting grizzly after an hour or so of shopping. Both Jo and I had fun at Farmers in their sale buying up large for our girls for the coming winter months!

Not much happening here today - though Rachel had a restless night last night stirring/grizzling at 12am, 1am and then woke properly at 3am so gave her a bottle and all she wanted to do was play and "talk" to me! Very frustrating but she eventually took 100mls and fell asleep! But was up again at 6.15am but Steph got up to her then. Have had a nice day at Mums today (as DH was fixing her computer) and came home with 1/2 chicken (dinner for us tomorrow) and 1/2 banana cake! YUM YUM!!!

Rachel is now becoming very vocal and chats and giggles away all the time when she is in her bouncer or on her play mat and in her cot too at times! She is back to daycare tomorrow after having a week off with her diarrhea etc... so back to our routine tomorrow so her bag is packed, nappy bucket is in the car...

Anyway, time for me to head to bed as I have a slight headache and didn't sleep well last night (with Rachels stirring) so am hoping we get a good night tonight. Catch ya all later...


Crafty Japan said...

Good to see you're feeling better :)

Paula said...

Hi Karen

Great to hear you and Rachel are feeling better - and I hope Stef is over his upset tummy too. It sounds like you had a very pleasant weekend. Must have been the weekend for scoring cake from one's Mum - my Mum has just been by and given Chris and I a nice slice of her coffee sponge for supper - we didn't really need it - but it was lovely of her anyway.

Have a great (and healthy!) week.

Take care,

Paula (Christchurch)

Anne said...

Pleased to hear you are all ok again. Rachel sounds like she is at a very cute age, hope to get to meet her one day!

Tania said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better - don't you just love those little chats and giggles :-) Not to mention the big beaming smiles - that's my favourite part of my working day - getting to childcare and being greeted by one of those smiles.