Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hi all

Just thought I would do a quick post from work since I seem to be running out of time (and/or energy) in the evenings these days.

All going ok - have had a relatively good week foodwise and water wise so am feeling rather good about things. Found out today that my work have got a "Healthy Eating" group running (started last week) as there is a lady in one of the teams who used to be a WW leader (for 10 years) so she is giving up one lunch hr a week to chat to those of us who need support/motivation/a kick up the butt or just a friend to chat to. There are 12 ladies in the group (though it is open to the guys as well) and I will be joining up next week when they meet on Tuesday. They have purchased scales and it costs just $2 session which is then given to Julie (the "leader") for giving up her time. Like I have said before, I know what I should and shouldn't be eating and I know that I need to exercise - I just need a bit more encouragement and by joining up this group I will hopefully get that encouragment. I have had a couple of encouraging comments lately from people around the office asking me how much weight I have lost recently... to which the answer is NONE! But I think it is because I am starting to present myself a bit better now and am wearing my good work trousers and boots! It is amazing how much better you feel and how you carry yourself when you are feeling good on the inside!

I know I wouldn't have come this far without you wonderful ladies but sometimes I feel I need to have that real life weigh in in front of others to really help me along. So stay tuned and hopefully I will soon start loosing some of this excess weight that I haven't been able to shift since Rachel's arrival!

Speaking of Rachel - she has taken to waking early in the morning (between 4-5am) and lays in her cot and talks non stop for about an hour before grizzling and if I am lucky she may fall back to sleep for a while but more often than not she is wanting to get up then! So I have had some early starts this week and it is now starting to take its toll on me!

I have organised an antenatal catch up for this Saturday morning since there are 4 of us (out of 10) that are back at work already and miss out on the fortnightly catch ups during the day. So 5 of us are meeting at a cafe in Upper Hutt with our darling babes for brunch/breakfast/morning tea or whatever people feel like so I am really looking forward to that. And it sounds like the working mums want this to be a regular (monthly) occurance so that will be great if it is - will give us something to look forward to.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a quick update since I am at work - got heaps of other stuff to say but that will have to wait for now - will try to do an update at the weekend. Oh thanks to Lyn for the nomination in the "thinking bloggers" award. That means so much to me and thank you for your kind words. I will do my nominations (although I think all my blogs that I would nominate have already been nominated by others but never mind) over the weekend.

Catch ya all later xx


Anne said...

The weight group at work sounds like a great idea. Could be just ideal for you. Don't be too hard on yourself, you've got a new little girl, returned back to work - loads going on in your life.

Lynda said...

Great idea at work!!! That is exactly what you need and I know it will work for you.

Chubbymum said...

Woohoo for having a group going now at work... sometimes it is that encouragment that gets us through aye.

Isn't it amazing how you dress makes people think you have lost weight... cool aye.

You sound so positive in this post hun

{{big hugs}}


Tania said...

We're trying to do a similar thing at our office but unfortunately we don't have a leader to run it! Sounds like this couldn't have come at a better time for you.

I can relate to so many of your experiences - I too recently started wearing makeup to work and being more conscious of how I look because I knew it was something small that I could do for myself - and when you're a working mum you tend to put yourself last.

Hope Rachel grows out of her early morning wake ups - Lachlan is still doing that at 13 months but i'm just grateful that i'm a morning person and my alarm usually goes off at 5.15am anyway - now if only I could teach him that he doesn't need to do that on weekends - lol.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your meet up tomorrow.

Jules said...

I love listening to the early morning babbling!! Then again, after four kids I am used to stuff all sleep as I haven't really had much for eight years now LOL LOL!

You sound great and it is amazing what taking 5 mins to look after yourself can do for the self esteem. We went to my brother's birthday bbq the other weekend and I got comment after comment from Blair and my family about how great I looked and I felt great. Then I thought, well if you made the effort more often then you would always feel like this. Still haven't done it more than once a week though!

Chris H said...

That "informal" group sounds just the ticket! do go, it's probably all you need to get you motivated again. As for Rachel waking early, have you thought about the fact that is getting much colder now and she may be waking due to being a bit cold? Griffin has been waking up early too, and it is obviously from being cold cos he want us to go and tuck him up again... cos he's cold ( he bitches!). I always dressed my babies like they were going outside when I put them to bed, cos they were always kicking off their blankets and then getting cold... it works.