Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hi all

Oooops sorry, didn't realise it had almost been a week since I updated. Though not a lot to say which is why I guess I haven't done an update. Just plodding on and surviving the working week and then spending quality time with Rachel in the evenings and weekends.

Am trying to make my way through Helena's "bible" which she kindly lent me last week and I have done the questionnaire so I know what sort of food I should be eating and which to avoid but just have to finish doing the serious reading before really getting into it all. There are a few things which I am gonna find hard to avoid eating/drinking but am sure I can do this. Am still only weighing myself once a week - bugger speaking of which as I type this sentence I realise that I didn't weigh myself this morning so will try to remember to do it in the morning. Gees never ever thought I would/could do weekly weighing let alone forgetting to weigh! LOL

Rachel is doing well with her night sleeping which is fantastic for us as it means this mummy can usually get about 7-8hrs sleep each night. Sometimes, it is interrupted with Rachel grizzling or talking away to herself but very rarely do I (or Steph) need to get up to her. And we have turns at the weekend at getting up early, I usually do Saturday mornings and Steph does Sundays. Though I rarely do sleep in when Steph is up to her.... it's not that I don't trust him at all, I just call it motherly instinct and hearing "everything" that is going on. But it is great to be able to just lay there and get up about 8.30am rather than 5.45am which I do during the week. Her day sleeping sometimes needs a bit of work but hey as long as she sleeps at night then I am happy :)

Rachel seems to be thriving at Daycare which is great. She is always full of smiles as soon as we get there each morning - smiling and chatting away to the ladies :) She is starting to a lot of texture work etc with Dayna (her care giver) and has also done some hand/finger painting... or something like that as her clothes came home covered in paint one day. I keep meaning to ask them what they had gotten up to that day but Dayna was away sick last week... must try to remember that on Monday.

She is almost rolling and just loves sitting rather than laying... not sitting by herself yet but I would say that isn't too far away for our big girl! Rachel is still enjoying her evening solids - has now tried Pumpkin & Sweetcorn, Parsnip, kumera & Carrot (both Watties brands) and homemade pumpkin, carrot and kumera mixed with a bit of apple or pear. She had her first meal in her highchair this evening - boy she looked so small yet so grown up in it! But boy it was so much easier (and cleaner) to do it in there rather than the bouncer like we have been for the last 3 weeks!

Rachel and I went for a walk for an hour this morning - it was lovely although she didn't sleep for as long as I intentend but hey that's life. We both had a great time. I did contemplate calling into Rachel's place, but as I hadn't showered, hadn't had breakfast and was sweating like a pig, I thought it might be best I just keep walking back home! But I did really enjoy it and really must make an effort to do them more often especially when the weather is so nice. So all going well, we will do another walk in the morning.

Anyway, time for me to get moving, washing machine has finished so best I go hang out the nappies (yes we are still using cloth naps and loving it)!

Catch ya all later xx


Paula said...

Great to hear that all is going well - and that Rachel is enjoying daycare.

Well done on getting out for the hour-long walk this morning (that's something I need to get back into doing myself!). Enjoy your walk tomorrow morning.

Paula (Christchurch)

Jaxx said...

Got to love cloth nappies on the line..... all nice and crisp. Glad she is sleeping through now makes a huge difference when you get some sleep.


Anne said...

Rachel is growing up fast! You all sound in a great routine.

LOL - my girls think I'm mad but I used to love hanging out nappies and I had more than my share as with twins and another 17 months older we had three in them at once!

Chris H said...

Your'e all mad... cloth nappies are the pitts! I had to use them with my first *5* kids and while they did look nice on the line... give me disposbles ANY TIME!!! At one time I had 4 in nappies at the same time, 2 all day, 2 only at night... NOT NICE I can assure you. Good on you for using them is all I can say.

Chubbymum said...

I agree with ChrisH cloth nappies ewwwwwww but everyone does things differently.

Sounds like Helena's bible is really good hun... I am going to save up and try and get one as I reckon it would be good to try it...

Rachel sounds like she is beautiful girl hun and growing soo soo fast... I reckon daycare is fantastic and my boys loved it when they went...

Love ya

Crafty Japan said...

You're sounding so positive!! It's great to hear :)

Jules said...

I definitely need to move my gluteus maximus and get out for a walk, actually, I'm going to do it this morning. Gorgeous wee Rachel, how quickly they grow.

Lyn said...

My daughter excelled so much at daycare. I felt a huge sense of guilt when I first put her in daycare but soon got over that when I worked out how much she learnt and was stimulated there. And she too loved it, like it sounds like Rachel does too.

Well done on getting out for that walk! I think that's a great way for you to spend time with her and getting your exercise in.

Isn't everyone just doing so well today!! I'm impressed!

Lyn said...

Hi Karen,

Just to let you know I awarded you with the 'thinking bloggers award' today. Check out my update to find out the details.


Kathryn said...

My goodness Rachel really is growing up so quickly!!