Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hi all

And yet another week has slipped by since my last update... god it's gonna be Christmas before we know it!

We had a good long weekend but had a visit to the Drs late Saturday afternoon due to Rachel only taking 1 bottle all day (6.50am) and refusing all other fluids so we were starting to get a bit concerned for her wellbeing. Saw the Dr who suggested it might be because her nose sounded quite blocked up - so after some Saline Drops - and whoaloa drinking just fine now :) She also has a nasty cough which just doesn't seem to want to go away - been about 8 weeks now so she has now been prescribed some Infant Dimetapp for that.

Though it can be a mission to get the Saline Drops up her nose along with her reflux med, her laxative and her cough medicine. Thankfully it is generally just the first and last bottle of each day that she needs all of the above and boy we sure do have a battle on our hands then! We feel so sorry for her but yet we know she does definitely need them otherwise we wouldn't be doing it. Though on saying that, we can probably ease off on the Saline Drops now as things do seem to be clearing up in that department. As we had been so spoilt with Rachel's great night time sleeping, I feel shattered with the broken sleep that we have had for the last 8 weeks or so with her coughing... some nights it means getting up to her and giving her lots of cuddles and calming her down and yet other nights it means cough medicine, some bottle and lots more cuddles.

Stephan is on Annual Leave this week so spent the day with Rachel on Tuesday as it was a "teachers only" day at creche. So he brought her into town and met me (and other friends) for lunch which was fantastic! So great to see Rachel during the day and to "show her off" in person to my workmates! The rest of week, she is back at Creche and Stephan is doing bits and pieces around the house. So while he is at home, I am taking advantage of being able to catch the early train and actually doing a full days work! Definitely a bit of a shock to the system but being at work that extra hour earlier makes a HUGE difference.

At this stage, I am not sure if I will make the bloggers party at Chris' place in August but will have a chat with Stephan about it. But am definitely looking forward to catching up with most of the Wellington/Palmy gals on the 30th at Otaki :)

Anyway, its now almost 9.30pm and I want to head to bed... so will catch ya all later on. Haven't said 1/2 of what I had planned to so I guess that will just have to wait till next update.

See ya


Tania said...

Glad to hear it was nothing serious with Rachel and she's back to taking her bottles again! I hope things settle down for you and her again really soon - the tiredness can make it tough can't it? But if you're anything like me those middle of the night cuddles are just so precious when you have to work all day.

Anne said...

So much illness around for little ones this time of the year.

Lovely you could 'show her off' to your work friends - won't be long until you can show her off to me!

Chris H said...

I won't be offended if you can't make it mate, I know how busy you are with work and Rachel... but it would be neat if you could! There are a few you could get a ride with!

Jaxx said...

Hope you are having a relaxing weekend, I cannot imagine what it would be like working full time as well as having quality family time, then fitting in housework etc.... You are doing a fantastic job..


Jules said...

You need to invest in a vapouriser. You put water in them and then eucalyptus oil in the top and they slowly let steam out in the room all night. Great for unblocking wee kids and I have used it with all mine when they are sick. Works really well for coughs as it adds moisture to the air and they don't get that dry cough.

Jules said...

Oh, another thing - I don't know if you give Rach Pamol but I would suggest you only do so when she REALLY needs it. What a temperature is, is when the body is using it's immune system to attack the foreign virus or bacteria etc. This creates a temperature. It means that the body is fighting. When you give Pamol you drop the temperature and you "fool" the body into thinking it is not fighting anymore so it mellows out. Symptoms subside but never go away and this is how we keep getting the same virus drag on and on and on. I am not saying don't use it but decide when she really NEEDS it eg if temp getting over 39. I started this tactic a couple of years ago and my kids get over things a lot quicker now. Learnt this at Naturopathic college.