Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hi all

Do I dare say it again - yet another week has flown by! Bloody hell where on earth is the time going?

But in all seriousness, I am considering giving up my blog as I just don't seem to have the enthusiasm for it anymore and definitely don't update as regularly as I used to! And it certainly isn't about weight loss anymore... as that has totally gone out the window these days! Will give it some more thought over the next week or so... so nothing drastic happening yet but will let you know if I decide to stop.

Have got something on every weekend for the rest of June so I can see the rest of this month flying by just as quickly as the last 7mths have flown by! This weekend, my sister and her younger daughter who has been in Ireland for the last 13mths or so are popping in after Lynette picks Michelle up from the airport. Michelle is really looking forward to meeting Rachel as all she has seen is photos so far. Then on Sunday I am hoping to catch up with my friend Jo and her daughter Maddie. The following weekend, we have Steph's family mid winter dinner party - it is fancy dress but neither Steph or I are really into fancy dress parties - so we will just go as ourselves... have got my Mum coming down to look after Rachel and she will stay the night and spend the Sunday with us. Then the following weekend, a few of us bloggers are meeting in Otaki for brunch (or is it lunch - must find out) so am really looking forward to that. Oh then the following weekend, our Antenatal group are having a mummies night out and at some stage our group are doing a brunch as well so the bubs can come along too (and the dads too if they want).

Rachel is off day care for the rest of the week as I got a phonecall from them this afternoon asking me to collect her as they suspect she has conjunctivitis which as you all know is quite contagious! Bugger Bugger Bugger! Will this ever end??? Probably not since she is in daycare... but that's life and the way it has to be for now! Just have to win either Lotto or Big Wednesday so I can give up my job and stay home with my princess. So I have tomorrow off and will be taking her to the Drs... and Steph is hoping to get Friday off otherwise I will take that day off too but will take her into work with me for a couple of hours in the morning for a vital meeting that I must attend. Then hopefully she will be right by Monday... fingers crossed.

She still has her cough as well but it does seem to easing thank goodness... usually only bad first thing in the morning. At least it is no longer waking her during the night! But something definitely was upsetting her last night as she woke crying 5 times! Luckily only once she needed comforting and cuddles, the rest of the time, she was back to sleep within 30 seconds or so. Jules, thanks for your advice re vapouriser and also Pamol. We do try to restrict her Pamol intake... and I am always checking out TradeMe for a vapouriser but no local ones have been listed yet and the postage on some of the "out of town" ones seem quite high. But I have also heard how damp they can make the room which I am not that keen on.

As for the weight side of things for me - well thats a big no, no at the moment! It is slowly going up... I am not proud of this fact and I am trying to maintain but it is getting harder and harder to do. I know only I can do this and can only do it for me. Noone can do it for me and I have to be in the right frame of mind... I get jealous reading everyones blogs (and I am reading - just not commenting as often as I should) and think right my mo-jo is back... but it only lasts a few hours before losing it again.

Anyway, time I was out of here - things to do before going to bed... catch ya all later


Paula said...

Hi Karen

I can totally relate to the lack of motivation in the weight area - I just hope that I can get myself back on track soon. When the time is right, it will happen - as I'm sure it will for you too.

My gosh you have a busy month ahead - I feel exhausted just reading about it. Make sure you find some quiet rest and relaxation time for yourself too along the way, won't you?

I hope Rachel's conjunctivitis clears up quickly. I've always found Collodial Silver really good to speed up the process. A little bit dabbed on a cotton pad applied gently around the eye area. I once read that hospital staff use to use it on babies when first born to clear away any gunk from around the eyes.

With regard to your blog - I hope you stick with it (selfish reasons here - lol - it's a great way of keeping up with your news when I'm lazy with phone calls and emails) - but I understand if you need to take a break - you have to do what is right for you. I hope to resume mine soon - but the posts might not be a daily thing - perhaps more a weekly update.

Look forward to catching up soon. Was great to talk to you on the phone recently.

- Paula (Christchurch)

Anne said...

Hi Karen

Going to agree with Janene. While I hope you don't give up the blog, it's got to be your decision.

We can all udnerstand how life is stressful for you with being a working mum and also having Rachel catching things from day care.

I'm sure it will get easier.

The weight loss - I'm sure your mojo will come back but at the moment it sounds as if life is just too busy and stressful to worry about it.

Take care:-)

Jaxx said...

Like the others I would miss your blog, even monthly updates with a few photos of your precious wee bub would be awesome..... But fully understand as you are so busy....

Take care Jaxx

Crafty Japan said...

I feel for you Karen. Everything seems to be building up on you guys, hey? I don't comment as often as I should, but want you to know I love keeping up with your lives. Hope it all settles as soon as it can and you're able to find a balance :)

Lyn said...

Heyya Karen,

As you know I have had periods where I just felt I couldn't blog anymore. I think what you need to do is sit down and think about whether you are blogging for you (like an outlet or focus) or whether it's out of guilt of feeling like others need to see an update. If it's the later then there is nothing wrong with taking a break from it and you can certainly start up again when you feel the need to.

If you decide to keep it going don't feel bad that you aren't doing regular updates ... your blog is for you!!!! you can update whenever you damn well please. If it ends up being one week or one month, that doesn't matter!!! I still pop by every day to see if you have updated and I'm never annoyed if you haven't ... I just come by another time. It's more of a case for me of hoping I don't miss an update and it doesn't take much to open the page and just take a check.

As for Rachel being sick a lot, my daughter (who started daycare at 3mths) got sick almost constantly for the first 6mths of being in daycare. This is normal. There are so many bugs going round and at daycare they have so much interaction between kids that bugs are bound to go round.... but ...

the good thing with this is it builds up their immune system early. My daughter (now 12yrs) hardly ever gets sick (maybe once a year if that) and I'm sure it's because of that early exposure to bugs that got her immune system kicked in. So don't get down about it, think of it as a natural vaccine for later on.

Wow that was a long comment ... sorry!! lol

Felicity said...

oh Karen how will we know how u and Miss Rachel are getting on if not by blog. Once a week once a month bogging timetable is all up to u. Hope u dont deside to give it up...its not all about weight loss its also about life and yup yours has got a 'bit' busy of late but one day it will calm down..might not be for 18yrs or so but it will calm down heheheehbig hugs Felicity

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

As the others have said, we will miss you if you decide to stop blogging, but it is totally your decision!! You and your family need to come first, so if that means the blog has to take a back-seat, then so-be-it - people understand!!

Hope your girl is feeling lots better, and that you are doing great too! xx