Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hi all

Am at home with Rachel today after a few rough days/nights with her coughing. We ended up at the After Hours on Sunday evening (after talking to Healthline) - waiting room was choker full of sick children! I was quite astonished at how many there were! Anyway, Dr said that Rachel had an inflamed ear drum and yes she was wheezy and prescribed Rachel with a ventolin inhaler for the wheeziness and some Antibiotics for the ear but advised us to hold back starting the ABs for 36/48hrs in case it was just viral in which case it would clear itself (and by the way it has cleared up by itself so am glad we hadn't given her the AB's unnecessarily).

Anyway, Sunday night was one of the better nights she has had for a wee while but then Monday night was a rough one for all of us and I have no idea how I functioned at work and did not expect Rachel to last either Monday or Tuesday at day care but she did - was quite happy there with the occasional cough on the Monday and then yesterday she had more coughing during the day but was still happy! I had booked a Drs appt for her for Wednesday afternoon to be on the safe side - and then we had another unsettled night last night so when the alarm went, I decided that yes I would stay home with her today and boy she was so miserable this morning - I found that really hard to deal with and within an hour of being up she was fast asleep in my arms (VERY UNLIKE HER) so made myself comfy in the chair by the laptop and surfed the net while she slept on me - didn't want to put her in the cot as she coughs more when she is laying down (and yes the cot is raised considerably at the head end) so was quite happy for her to sleep on me if it meant a decent sleep for her. And she ended up sleeping on me for about 1hr 20mins which is a great morning sleep for her. While she was sleeping on me, I rung the Drs to see if I could get an earlier appt for her - my dr was fully booked but we managed to get the last available one (for any of the drs today) at 10.45 with another Dr.

Fastforward to the Dr's appt - Dr says borderline croup for Rachel and that the ventolin that the After Hrs Dr prescribed her wouldn't be doing much (don't you love the different opinions different Drs have) and has prescribed Rachel a short term dose (5 days) of mild steriods to break the cough. And I sure hope it works otherwise I will be back there again next week as I really want to get to the bottom of this coughing as it is driving me around the bend! Especially when I am having a bad day :(

Have started my medication at long last after finally getting the script filled on Friday and then I left it at work in my drawer! So started it on Monday night and so far so good - getting the nausea feeling but that seems to be the only side effect that I have noticed at this stage but I am only on 1/2 tablet for the first week before going up to a full tablet.

Stephan has tomorrow off work so the plumber can install the new hot water cylinder so if Rachel is still a bit off colour in the morning he will be able to look after her :)

Anyway, best I get moving as the place looks like a bomb has hit it... and I need to make a call or two as well before Rachel wakes up again... oh bugger I think she is awake already! Oh dear - the joys of a sick baby... catch ya all later


Chris H said...

Rachel sound just like Griffin, he ended up with a short course of antibiotics and ventolin too for his incessant coughing! He is much better at the moment, so I hope it works for your wee darling too. Listening to them cough all bloody night is enough to drive you up the wall eh? Worst thing, I have been too, but a different cough... I got GEES Lictus from the Dr and it works fantastically! Never heard of it before, but will be getting that from now onwards for sure.

Chris H said...

Darn not antibiotics... sterioids I meant to say.

Anne said...

You will be looking forward rto summer and a heallthy little girl again! Two of our grandsons get croup and it can sound frightening. Hope she soon is well as you've had more than your fair share lately.

Jules said...

I get a great herbal remedy for croup. Peta was very close to hospitalisation at 12 months for croup. Had three drs in 24 hrs tell me that there was nothing they could do. So I went to the Herbal Dispensary and they gave me a mix of Echinaccea (sp?), adhatoda, marshmallow, liquorice, mullein. The croup went and every time any of my kids have started to get that sort of cough I give and it goes and doesn't progress!!

Onion slices on raw sugar is also a good one for coughs, the syrup comes out after about 4 hours and tastes ok, only need a small amount, works just as effectively as ventolin for Ben.

Paula said...

I hope Rachel's cough disappears soon and that you are all getting much better sleep thereafter.

My house too looked like a bomb had hit earlier this evening - now it just looks like our computer room has had the damage - nothing quite like re-locating the bomb! Lol.

On a serious note, I hope the week improves for you all.

Take care,

Paula (Christchurch)

Lynda said...

You poor thing Karen. No wonder you are down, who wouldn't be? I think it is a very natural reaction to all that is happening in your life. Having to work and leave Rachel every day plus having her sick must be incredibly hard for you. I do hope it all comes right soon :)

Crafty Japan said...

Hi Karen,

Sorry I haven't been commenting - am really busy at the moment and will be for the next month or so. Just wanted to let you know I'm still reading though :)

Hope the little girl is better soon :)

Helena said...

mate! the two of you being home today was the best place ... it was icky in town!

Lyn said...

Hope Rachel is feeling better by now ... croup is yucky!!! My boy got it a couple of years ago and ended up in hospital for a couple of days.

One hint (I learnt from ambo) is stay calm ... if patients or their caregivers get panicked it closes up their airways more ... relaxing and deep breathing (for both of you) helps alot!! And if she gets a cough attack in the middle of the night, run the shower on hot, close the door and let her breath in the steam, helps her cough up the mucus and open airways ... but I'm sure she's coming fine and you won't need this. :)

Tania said...

Hope Rachel is feeling better! The coughing isn't nice is it? Lachlan has also had croup lately, and a mild chest infection, he tends to sleep best cuddling into us while we lay in the recliner. Luckily for me Michael is willing to sleep there because I can't seem to sleep anywhere but my bed ... lol

I say good for you regarding the doctors and medication! It takes a lot of courage to admit that you need help for something like this and it's definitely a step in the right direction.

Hope you're still planning on taking that leave sometime soon to have some time for yourself! I used to feel guilty about it but now I do it at least once a month and I really need that time out.