Sunday, July 08, 2007

Hi all

Yeap another weekend almost over and time sure is flying by! So what have we been up to lately...

Firstly - I did end going to see my Dr on Wednesday afternoon and have had it confirmed that I have moderate Post Natal Depression. I feel such a fraud when I know of other friends who are a lot worse off than I am but which is why I had been putting the Drs visit off and putting on a brave face when people asked me how things were going. But as the Dr explained - we are all different and for those women that get PND - it affects us all differently! So after lots of talking and some crying, we agreed that I would trial a period of medication - got the script filled on Friday morning and then promptly left the medication at work! DOH!!!!!! But I have managed this long without anything so we decided that I would be all right till Monday and IF anything had happened we would have done a family trip in to town to collect them. I have 1 months worth initially and then have to go back for a review before getting any more. I sent an email out to my family to let them know what was happening and have had some lovely touching emails back from most of them including an admisson from one family member who confided in me that they too are on anti depressants and have been for about a year! I just wish this family member had told me earlier so we could have helped out but that was their choice. But now I have come "out" so to speak, this family member is considering it as well.

Rachel's ongoing cough is getting really bad so I think we will be heading back to the Dr early this week... when I was at the Dr on Wednesday we got talking about Rachel (of course) and the Dr did mention that if the cough continued that she may look at referring us to get Rachel an xray of her chest and listening to her today I am thinking along the lines of mild asthma but the Dr said that it is quite hard to diagonise asthma when they are under 1 unless there is family history of it (which there isn't for us). But she sure is not well that's one thing! So am bracing myself for another rough night of lots of coughing. She was like that last night though she did sleep through most of the coughing but unfortunately I did not!

We went out yesterday and caught up with some friends of mine at Wholly Bagels in Lower Hutt and Rachel had her first plain baby bagel and loved it! It was great seeing the other bubs (Rachel was the youngest by about 7 weeks) and having a good ole catch up with the mums!

Then today, we had arranged to meet Mum at North City Plaza to check out the K-Mart toy sale - wasn't that impressed with it really! We didn't buy anything (while not Toys anyway) but Mum got Rachel's birthday present. Can't wait to get it so I can have fun playing with it! LOL We had a nice lunch in the food court but unfortunately Rachel was not feeling the best so it was cut short and we came home where she has finally crashed and is sleeping nicely...

Been busy since getting home, am making two batches of meat and veggies for Rachel. One batch of beef mince (premium grade) with parsnip, pumpkin, brocolli and cauli. The 2nd batch which is cooking at the moment is pork mince with pumpkin, kumera, spinach and peas.

Oh the bad news of the weekend - our hot water cylinder is on its last legs and we will be lucky if it sees us through the week!!!! Fuck!!!! Thats all we need - NOT!!! Especially since its gonna cost us about $850 to get a new one plus the plumbers charge for installing etc!!! So there go our plans for installing a heat pump which we had been considering doing... Oh Steph got home on Friday afternoon to find a For Sale sign on our fence!!! So he promptly ripped it off and I rung the agent when I got home and got a half hearted apology and found out it is for next door!

Anyway, time I got moving - need to get some things done before Rachel wakes though I think I hear her stirring as I type this.

Hope you all have a great week.


Chris H said...

I hope Rachel doesn't have asthma like our Griffin, he coughs and coughs all winter long, and whenever he gets hot! It's awful. He's on ventolin and just finished taking steroids to get it under control again. I was so sorry to miss seeing you all last weekend, but would have been stooopid to go and possibly infect the lot of you! Hope the meds help with your depression, I was on anti-depressants for about 3 years (for grief related depression) and they sure helped! Thinking of you girl.

Paula said...

Hi Karen

Sounds like you have been keeping busy. Sorry to hear that Rachel's cough is persisting - hopefully you will have some answers and remedies for her soon on that one.

Glad to hear you went to the Dr and had a chat about how you were feeling. I was the same with my agoraphobia and panic attacks - when I started telling others, it was amazing how many people confessed they'd been through similar experiences. I'm pleased to hear you have got the support of family members - the more support the better, and it's good you aren't hiding it from them.

Bugger about your hot water cylinder - the last thing you need in the middle of the winter (or anytime for that matter). I hope you manage to get it replaced quickly. I was a bit concerned about our pipes this morning - the noise was shocking - I think they'd semi-frozen in the night. It was still - 4 degrees at 10am this morning here. Brrr!!

I hope you have a good week ahead.

Take care,

Paula (Christchurch, NZ)

Anne said...

Hi Karen

WSo pleased you took the plunge and went to the doctors, also great you have told your family and that they are supportive. Reading Paula's comment above gave me a bit of a jolt as I suffered from panic attacks in a major way a few years ago. I felt ashamed and kept the problem hidden - only very close family knew. It was something I managed to conquer with the help of hypnotherapy.

You will hoping for summer to come quickly so that Rachel is over coughing!

Unknown said...

Good on you for going to the Dr. It is really hard to do, us Mums are supposed to be able to do it all!! I am sure you will be right as rain soon enough.

Kate said...

Aww poor wee Rachel, hope she is much better soon. And BUMS about the hot water cylinder!

Good on you for going to the Dr and getting yourself sorted, it's not an easy step to take, but hopefully it will make a huge difference to you once those meds kick in. Keep us posted with how you are feeling eh?

Jules said...

Welcome to the PND Club!! As a longtime member I can show you the ropes and can be called upon at any time for an open ear and a shoulder. Things are going to get better real soon!!