Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's official my wee princess is 1 year (and 2 days) old!

Can't believe that this time last year, we were settling in at home and adjusting at the lifestyle of becoming parents! And now we almost have a toddler... not quite confident on her feet as yet but loves walking around furniture, walking while holding our fingers... and she has discovered the rest of the house - especially the bathroom!

I haven't downloaded the party photos as yet but on saying that we didn't get as many as I would have liked and no family one either! Bugger! Rachel got very spoilt and got lots of clothes and books! The weather held off for us so it meant that the kids could play outside when they wanted - I bought some bubble mixture so had fun blowing bubbles for the kids. Unfortunately, I was not feeling the best so I did struggle at times to keep my energy levels up.

I seem to have caught Rachel's (and Steph's) cough/head cold that they have both had (and I thought I had escaped) but it has knocked me for a six! I have been coughing so much that I have had to spend a bit of time with my head down that white porcelain bowl! I woke this morning with no voice at all and still coughing so headed to the chemist wanting something stronger than I had been taking so got some Roubutassin but it seems I have had an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients as not long after taking my first dose I started coming in spots all over my body! Though it take a wee while to put those two things together... so when we were at the Drs for Rachel (story to follow) this afternoon I asked him and he said it was possible that it could have been a reaction so I have to stop taking it and just rely on strong lozenges for now.

Unfortunately, Rachel has not been at all well today - in fact she has been the worst that I have ever seen her! She was quite grumpy and off her breakfast and was back in bed in less than 2hrs after waking but I put that down to her having a restless night (due to me coughing and being sick as the bathroom is next to her room) however by midday she had already had 2 sleeps and was quite hot! She hardly touched her lunch and we took her temp and it was at 38.3 so rung the Drs and within the 25 mins it took for us to get there her temp was then 39 degrees! Turns out she has a bad ear infection and her breathing was quite rapid too! So is now ABs for that but has spent the whole afternoon laying/sleeping on me and ONLY me! Now normally I would cherish all those extra cuddles etc but when I am not well either it was pretty damn exhausting! The two times I attempted to give her to Steph (so I could go to the loo) she just cried and cried until I came back...

So looks like its gonna be a day at home tomorrow for the both of us... I must admit and I know this is going to sound selfish but I was so hoping for a day for me so I could just rest and do nothing but will now have Rachel to look after as well but thems the breaks I guess! I have left a message for Mum to call me... ooops her ears must have been burning as she just rung - she is going to come down for the day and help me out as I just don't think I could cope all day with me feeling so yuck!

Anyway, this has taken me about an hour to write due to Rachel waking, mum calling and me watching CSI... so time I was in bed myself and perhaps do a suduko puzzle or two (my new hobby lol).

Catch ya all later


Rachel said...

Oh on Karen, there's nothing worse than having a sick child when your sick as well....thank heaven's your Mum is coming to help out (hopefully Rachel will go to her and give you a break).

Glad to hear her birthday went well, can't wait for the photo's.

I'm really looking forward to Saturday, hopefully everyone is well by then.

Jaxx said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Rachel and hope you are both feeling better soon :)


Kate said...

Wow! Happy Birthday Rachel! 1 already.

Hope you are both feeling much better soon!!

Chris H said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL... belated I know! Sorry you are not well... hopeyouare feeling better soon. I love Sudoku too... it is sooooo addictive!