Monday, November 26, 2007

Ooooops didn't realise it had been another week since my last update.... where oh where is the year going?? Can't believe that it is December the 1st on Saturday!!!

Things going ok here - just plodding on day by day. I had my first full week at work (in 4 weeks) last week and I was totally shattered by Friday! But am feeling a lot better - or should that be I WAS feeling a lot better until today that is. Despite being quite well in the last few days - for some reason today my cough has decided to return!!! So have spent the day coughing and coughing and annoying my work colleagues! But when one is so busy, there isn't a lot one can do... so will at least go in tomorrow to ensure we get the pay run - and then might play it by ear for rest of the week!

Am supposed to hear this week re the job that I was interviewed for - but a few people who either work for this company themselves or know someone who does have told me not to hold my breath on getting an answer so quickly as they have reputation of taking their time in getting back to people... so will wait and see - not a lot more I can do really!

We had a "Welcome Summer" party at Steph's parents place yesterday which his sisters organised... ended up being a great day out and Rachel did really well with all the attention and survived being up for 5hrs during the day which is totally unlike her! The weather was fantastic and there were a few sunburnt people by the end of the day.

We have at least one thing on each weekend up to Christmas... and then we are off to Christchurch on Boxing Day for 7 days so we are counting down to that... and of course catching up and staying with Paula and Chris *waves* hi guys!!! LOL

We are having a working bee at our place with Stephs family later this month to help us get the outside ready for painting so that should be lots of fun... well I will be busy keeping Rachel out of the way while the others are sanding, etc...

Anyway, I am off to bed... had a few late nights lately... but before I go - here is a photo of Rachel taken the afternoon of her godparents wedding (2 weeks ago)- you just have to excuse the bruises on her forehead:


Paula said...

*Waves* back at you :)) We are looking forward to having you stay next month - and to catching up the week earlier when we are up your way for the night.

Good luck with the outcome of the job! Fingers crossed that they don't drag out the decision making process too long.

I hope you are feeling better very soon - maybe the cough is asthma? I know I have a bit of a hacking cough that lurks around spring/summer and it sounds terrible and really can take the wind out of me, but my cough is asthma - it comes out more as a cough rather than wheezing.

Take care, and will look forward to hearing how you went with the job. *My fingers are still crossed for you!*

Anne said...

Paula could have soemthing there as I remember one of our kids having an 'asthmatic' cough.

Such a gorgeous photo of Rachel, she is getting curls!! Looks a little angel - despite the bruises.

Rachel said...

That dress is beautiful and she looks adorable in it.

That blinkin cough is back? Man what a pain in the throat...hahaha

Hope your feeling better soon.

Chris H said...

Sorry to hear the damn cough is back, Paula could have something there about the asthma. Rachel looks adorable in her wee dress. Babies always have bruises on their heads! Comes with the 'learning to walk' thing eh?

Tania said...

OMG Karen - where has your baby gone? She looks so grown up, and beautiful too!!! Isn't it fun trying to get photos now without bruises, bumps or scratches ... lol

Good luck with the job - hope you get some news back soon.