Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hi ya

Just thought I would pop in before going to bed to say that the job interview went well on Friday - with only the occasional cough. Was in there for 45 mins and found out that they had 26 applicants for the role and only interviewing 4 so even if I miss out on the role I feel good that I made it that far! :) Have also decided that if I miss out on this new role - I will go back to working full time rather than 6.75hrs that I am currently doing as we really do need the extra dosh!

Can't believe that it is only 5 weeks till Christmas and we haven't done ANY christmas shopping at all! That is most unlike me but we just don't have the spare money right now so not sure what we are going to end up doing but am sure we will get there in the end.

Have had a great weekend and am feeling a lot better - not 100% as yet but definitely a lot better! We went into Te Papa yesterday and had a lovely family day out and did a bit of walk around the waterfront before heading home and popping in to see our friends Lynaire and Kev on the way home. When we got home, Rachel was quite grizzly and wouldn't settle for a powernap - so I threw on my sneakers, and Rachel and I went for a 40 min walk - she was asleep within about 8 mins! Felt really good doing that.

Then today, we have had a fairly quiet day at home doing housework and chilling out... though this morning we went and visited Rachel and her boys! They were amazing with Rachel and brought out all of their soft toys for her to play with! :) Reece was very kind and got a packet of Tiny Teddy biscuits out of the pantry for her without asking either his mum or me... so couldn't really take them off her after he had already given them to her - or should I say - it was a big fight to get the bag off her to open it! :) Then after a few hours at home including a sleep for Rachel - we then popped out to another friends place to see Sheri and her girls as I had bought a sunhat for Rachel off her on Trademe. In between all of this - I had managed to get 4 loads of washing on the line and dried! :) God I love nothing more than seeing washing outside on a line on a sun shiny day!!!

It's been a quiet evening though we did have to call the police when we saw two guys trying to break into our local primary school! First time I have used 111 to call the police so quite exciting! LOL Yeah small things amuse small minds! LOL Cops got there just as the guys were walking away from the window after they had given up trying to get them open!

Anyway, better get moving - its now 9.40pm so time I hit the sack since I had better show my face at work tomorrow! Bugger! LOL

Hope you all have a great week :)

1 comment:

Chris H said...

It was a glorious weekend eh? WE got lots of washing done too! Good luck with the job, fingers crossed.