Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hi all

Happy Valentines day to all of you and for those of you who do celebrate it - may your celebrations go well and you have an awesome day/evening. No celebrating of it here - just an "I love you and Happy Valentines Day" as Steph walked out the door!

Going ok so far this week... but being kept busy at home with the decluttering is keeping me away from the crap food I eat at work is which a big plus! And of course I am doing more "exercise" too with the cleaning and shifting things around! Only down side is the coke that I am drinking but hey I am getting there slowly. Would rather wean myself off the coke slowly rather than going cold turkey!

The decluttering isn't going as fast as I thought it was going to! Have got a couple of extra days off to try to finish things off! Initially we thought that we were just going to concentrate on the decluttering for the Open2view photos on Tuesday and then we could do the cleaning etc next weekend before the first home home... BUT........ of course it is officially on the market as from Monday with the agency so they will be bringing people through from their database etc before the first open home so its gonna have to be clean before then! This has freaked me out a bit but am sure we will get there slowly. Might send an SOS out to family this evening (once I have chatted to Stephan) and see if those that are free this weekend can pop around and give us a hand doing something around here...

Poor Rachel fell and knocked her head (in the exact same spot as she did last month) yesterday as we were leaving daycare and the lump came up quicker and bigger than the first time so off to the Drs to be on the safe side. Got given the all clear but just to watch for vomitting and drowsiness etc... Apart from it being black and blue this morning, she is very happy within herself and happy as larry at daycare. Have taken some photos of it so will try to post those at some stage.

Anyway, this sure as hell ain't helping me declutter... got the Sallies coming today (anytime between 10am and 1pm) to take away HEAPS of stuff so once that is cleared it will definitely give me a better idea of what is left to do!

Catch ya all later...


Jaxx said...

Good luck with it all.

Margaret said...

Good luck, and dont stress, ( even thos its a very stressful event). I hope your house sells soon, and if you do come to Canterbury, would love to meet up for a coffee,



Tania said...

Fingers crossed you're rewarded with a quick sale for your efforts! I'd love to offer some advice but when we sold our house 14 months ago my idea of decluttering for the inspections was to chuck everything we don't use into boxes and hire a storage facility to store them for the duration! Hey it work though, our house never looked better.

Lyn said...

We don't celebrate valentines either other than a "ohh woopsie that's right, happy valentines day!!" lol

Chris H said...

I'm over my hissy fit, DIET COKE ROCKS is back.

Paula said...

I hope your weekend has gone well with your working bee, and that the house selling process doesn't prove to be too stressful.

I hope that Rachel has recovered from her fall - it's good to see that she didn't seem too affected by it this time, and was maintaining her usual happy disposition.

Have a good week.

- Paula (Christchurch)