Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh well - not such a great week this week unfortunately. I am back to square one weight wise... yeap I have put on the 900gms that I lost over the last 2 weeks so am back to 109.1 kilos! Bugger! Bugger! Bugger! But only person to blame and that is me, myself and I!!!

Ate to much, drunk to much crap and did sweet fuck all exercise!!! That's how my life has been lately and I am really struggling to change this lifestyle that I have gotten myself into over the last 12 mths or so! But like I said, there is only person to blame and one person who can do anything about this and that is ME!!!

Hopefully I will get out of the vicious cycle sooner rather than later cause there is NO WAY IN HELL I want to go back to 129.2 kilos! NO WAY!!! So best I get myself into gear sooner rather than later and get back to those double digits!

On to the most important thing - Rachel :) We had her at the Drs on Sunday morning and she has a middle ear infection and a sore throat brought on by a case of Laryngitis! My poor wee girl has such a nasty cough - very much like croup in a baby and so harsh! So she is on AB's for the infection but not a lot they can give me for the cough so am doing an old fashioned remedy of honey and lemon drink and giving her about 10mls whenever she needs it. She was a much happier girl today (and had a better nights sleep) so decided to send her to Daycare but didn't think she would see the day out there but she did. Despite only having one short sleep there - but she sure was grumpy when Steph picked her up so she crashed and had a power nap just before I got home. And so far, so good tonight.

Only had one couple through the house so far... bit disappointed really but have our first open home this coming Sunday so fingers crossed we will get some interest shortly. Yeah I know its only been 1 week so far but talk about the extra stress etc in making sure the house is tidy and clean before I leave for work each morning! Have found out that the house next door is also on the market but think it may be a mortagee sale by the sound of things! Haven't seen the neighbours for quite some time - they seem to come and go pretty randomly.

Really busy at work as well but did get a lovely surprise on Friday when we all (our team) got given a letter advising us of a nice pay increase backdated to 1 July last year. Not quite enough for us to be able to afford to stay here but definitely will help us each fortnight.

Anyway, best I get moving as there are still a few things to do before I hit the sack... oh before I go, I just want to mention how sad it is that so many of the "old" blogs are closing down. But I do totally understand what they are all saying and how they are all feeling as I go down that road occasionally myself and yes sometimes I find updating here a chore... but I know that I have made some true friends through the blogger world and I know that no matter whether we are blogging or not - we will still keep in touch.

Night xx


Kate said...

Yay for a payrise!!

Poor Rachel.. hope she is better soon.

It is a real shame about lots of blogs.. but unfortunately there are some nasty / petty / jealous people out there who make it so... and it's even more disappointing to me that I'm not the only one to have run ins like this. There are many! GAH!

Hope you are good Karen, I still enjoy reading your updates :-)

Anne said...

Sorry to hear you are struggling right now. Look at the strenght you had before, I'm sure you can get it back!!

I also feel sad about some of my favourite blogs going!

Hope Rachel is soon on the mend.

Whart a nice surpirse getting a pay rise!!

Paula said...

I hope Rachel is well on the road to recovery now.

Fantastic to hear that you have had a pay rise - and well deserved too I'm sure!!

Good luck with the open home this weekend.

Paula (Christchurch)

Tania said...

Oh poor Rachel - hope she's better by now.

Fingers crossed for your open home, if you're anything like me you won't go very far ... lol ... we parked around the corner at our first open inspection and watched how many people came!

As to the weight loss - focus on how far you've come in the past, don't beat yourself up over the weight you are now - I believe finding the positives helps you keep the positive frame of mind - you'll get there!